
By zolledine, in StarCraft


I was just wondering - what exactly is an "installation"? As it is not a base - there must be sth else on the board that is "buildable"?!

Thanx in advance!

Great answer! Why do you think do I post that question?

What I found out now is, that installations are the "Infested Centers" and the Warpgate...

Anything else?

The Overmind and the Cerebrath are installations as well. But I think this were the remaining ones.

zolledine said:

Great answer! Why do you think do I post that question?

You surely wanted somebody to paste exactly the same what you can find in the rulesbook.

If the link isn't enough for you, here's a quote:

Installation tokens are used to represent special facilities
that serve specific purposes. Like bases, installations
are placed in areas and do not count towards the area’s
unit limit. There can be no more than one base or one
installation in each area.
Installations are destroyed in the same manner as bases,
but otherwise do not function as bases. They do not provide
resources from the planet. An area only containing an
installation is considered to be controlled by the player who
owns the installation.
The installations included in this game are: Infested
Command Centers, the Cerebrate, the Overmind, and the
Warp Gate.
The rules governing these installations can be
found on the corresponding Leadership card or scenario.


Infested command center installations come into play
via the Zerg “Infest Command Center” technology card.
A Zerg player is required to have an Infested Command
Center on a planet in order to build Infested Terran units
there. However, he is not required to have a base on the
planet in order to build Infested Terrans.

Is this what you are looking for?

If yes, I suggest to check also those links: