Favorite/Least Model to Paint

By subtrendy2, in Imperial Assault Painting and Modification

Painters! What was your favorite/least favorite model to paint?

For me:



I remember having a blast painting chopper. A lot of colors in there that don't get used too often (or used often together). Don't know why, but he was a good time for me.


Fett was also a surprisingly colorful character, and I think painting his helmet was one of the most satisfying moments of my (brief) painting "career".


This was one of the first bigger models I painted, and I'm still happy with how they've turned out. I've found that I generally enjoy painting fur, and it all started with these snarly bois.

Least favorite:

I mean, let's be real...




Soooo many troopers.

Also, after all that time (allll that white) I'm actually not very happy with the wash job that I've done on them- I'm well aware it's really heavy.

I think I got a little better with RTH and JR



And finally, I think I've gotten the knack of it with Heart of the Empire


That being said, there is one unit I despised painting even more than any stormtrooper variant: the Clawdite shapeshifter.


While I enjoyed making my elite inspired by Wessell, I just... hated painting these guys. They just seemed to have a stupid amount of straps on them, and while at this point I don't find straps to be all that hard anymore... I also don't find them to be very fun. Painting these guys was just tedious, and even though I do like how they turned out (other than the skin color, which seems a little off to me) I just really have bad memories with these.

I mean, I was also home sick the day I painted them, so maybe that's what it was. But I did not have a good time.

Anyway, looking forward to reading your favorite and least favorite units, and their accompanying stories! :)

Weequays... Weequays are my least favorite to paint. oh lets go with ANOTHER shade of brown on top of a different shade of brown, rounded off with yet more brown (I haven't painted any wookies and I really don't want to). Give me white troopers all day every day!

Edited by MadFuhrer

Tusken ******* raiders. I started painting those guys during a "I can't really be bothered" phase. I got half way through one, looked at all the straps and the fact there were 4 of them, put it down and didn't paint again for about 4 months!

Finally finished them when I moved to my new flat with my desk finally set up , and so far i've used them once maybe twice , and since then as NPCs.

Not worth it ?

p.s. re: clawdites, i also thought "oh god" realised i can really only use three and left the 4th to sit in the queue ha! I also decided different coats and colours to make them less of a chore (if not a bit longer) to paint

Edited by 54NCH32

Also troopers. The core set almost broke me.

But riots? Surprisingly fun (most due to no annoying hard to reach bits. It was also the point where I couldn't see a difference in my painting).

Favourite might have been Ahsoka. A REAL challenge, but very satisfying one to complete.

Edited by 54NCH32

I really liked painting Murne Rin of all things. So much shininess! I really like when you can use metallic paints for little baubles (and in her case the trim on her dress), it always makes the minis look so good when they're done.

I also really liked Hera - I was daunted by the tattoos but they came out nicely in the end and gave me a bit of pride! It gives me a bit of hope for the day I finally get around to Ahsokha and Maul

Finally, I enjoyed the following Sorastro's video to do captain Terro. I've still got my regular Dewback to paint, and I'm still trying to find a cool lizard to use as an inspiration for the colour scheme. I'm really looking forwarding to sitting down to actually paint it at some point.

As for my least favourite, definitely troopers. As I've gotten better (or at least my version of better :P ) I find I'm taking longer and longer to paint them, since I want them to look clean. And yeah, they look a bit cleaner in the end, but I'm still not sure if it's worth the hours of painting white on white.

And although I love them as units, I also haven't been a fan so far of the merc troopers from Jabbas. Weequays are so boring an monotone, and for whatever reason I've been finding it a real slog getting through the Gammorreans as well. I've got all four done through the base coat stage right now, but I've decided to give myself a break while painting a few Gloomhaven minis instead.

I keep threatening myself, but one of these days I'm actually going to get around to posting some pictures!

13 minutes ago, ManateeX said:

I keep threatening myself, but one of these days I'm actually going to get around to posting some pictures!

Do it man. get em out there :)

Edited by 54NCH32

@MadFuhrer and @54NCH32 , that's really interesting! I actually had a pretty good time painting both (though I initially thought that painting the raiders was going to be a pain, I at least enjoyed the detailing and shading. Probably my worst experience with the weequays was when I mistook my paint water for my whiskey glass... :P

@ManateeX , agreed, Murne and Hera were a lot of fun. Both kinda remind me of the heroes in Descent, in that I personally believe that game has a lot more options for color in it, generally speaking.

Ooooohhh!!! I love these threads, because I love painting minis and showing my painted minis! :D

For me, a figure is fun to paint if it is a challenge with regards to details, freehands, patterns, or painting a face - the latter of which is the most challenging part. I also try to get as close to the original look as possible and always use a lot of reference material. Note that I often exaggerate colours a little bit because this visually helps the overal impression of a miniature.

One of my absolute favorite figures to paint for these very reasons was Ahsoka Tano. That she happens to be my favorite character also helps :) . I wanted to give her face a determined 'snippy' expression as befits her stance, not to make her look angry:


I also love to direct the light and create the effect of specific surface textures through painting shadows and highlights and by varying the contrast between the two accordingly:


A mini represents a character with a beautiful or interesting face? I cannot resist:


What I don't like to paint is minis who are tedious to paint, and I find sculpts of a lesser quality to be tedious, because I'm OCD enough to go ahead and apply thin layers of white acrylic paint to uneven or faulty surfaces until they are nice and smooth. Then, only then do I prime and paint the minis. The Stormtroopers of the core box and to a lesser extend the Royal Guards proved to be tedious like that, but the end result is worth it in my opinion:


Last, but not least, there are things which are tedious AND fun to paint at the same time. One of these are metallic and shiny effects without resorting to metallic paints or gloss varnish (my minis all have an even, colour-proof matt varnish applied to them):



Edited by Fourtytwo

It's funny. I found the Clawdites really fun to paint. I started on the Riots... they are still not finished. I found Obi-Wan super easy to paint, but also really fun - he's got a striking look. And GIA! Best model to paint ever.

Boba Fett has been a blast to paint (still need to paint the base though). Like many among us, I want to give credits to @Sorastro for the inspiring tutorial videos!!

And so far, stormies have been my least favorite .... after painting 9 in a rows lol! (BTW, I like my troopers Emperor-arrival-on-DS-II shiny. Did not use any shading.) However, the Riot troopers were fun to paint (I made my elite into some shock trooper variant and it proved to be fun to paint). The better sculpt compared to Core stormtroopers maybe helped a bit in the sudden enjoyment at painting these crowd control stormtroopers

Edited by IanSolo_FFG

Interesting that a lot of people (myself included) seem to give the riot troopers a pass on the "troopers suck to paint" bandwagon.

I wonder how Death Troopers are going to be to paint?

isn't there a song for that? I see a white white trooper and I want to paint it black?

My favourites have definitely been the aliens. Anything with nice big eyes. Then any figure with a nice open stance. Too many of the IA minis have crossed arms that mean there are bits of the figure that are really hard to reach with the brush. Bossk and the Wing Guards were very annoying for this reason.

I think my favourites so far are Murne, Loku, and Greedo (with an honourable mention to the Hired Guns) and Lando should be in this list because he might be the mini I am most happy with, even though getting in behind his cloak prompted much swearing.

Least favourite to paint, aside from all the Stormies... probably the Wing Guards. I've only built up the motivation to paint 3 so far. Then figures with little tonal variation, so the Royal Guards and Vader would probably qualify.

Favourite to paint: Rancor, captain terro, greedo

Hard to pick, cause I loved painting most of the figures.

Least favorite: Wing guards and regular officers. The sculpt of the officers is terrible. And my painting quality doesn't help here. Wing guards are very tedious to do. Give me stormtroopers instead, at least I can paint those a lot faster.

Not a fan of the tuskens as well, but that is probably my fault due to priming them black.

I had a blast painting most of the figures and that is a big deal for me as I have two complete sets! It was fun to bring these characters to life and with a second set I had the freedom to mix things up with a lot of miniatures.

Although as with most people, Stormtroopers were one of my least favorite to paint as time went on. Just so many troopers.Storm, Jet, Heavy, Riot and Snow I ended up creating a squad of Shadow troopers for each type (Black with silver accents) and a squad of Dark troopers (Gray with black accents) just to break it up. (Except Snow troopers) It almost felt like a job to paint them.

The ABSOLUTE worst for me were the Alliance Rangers . Tight spaces and green and brown or brown and green or green with brown or brown with green. I put them off for so long.

Apart from others I like painting the troopers, sure they are many but I have an army from Games Workshop with 67 peasants, 36 knights and 40 archers and that is not nearly enough. I loved the break from that when I got the core and started all 9 stormtroopers right away.

That being said, favourite must have been Vader, first time ever for me to try my hands on glow effect, such a thrill. AT-ST was also fun being such a iconic and big thing my peasant never seen.

Least favourite must be IG-88 or wookie warriors. 88 was only metal but at least is also quite iconic. The warriors wasn't interesting after having made Chewie and Gaarkhan already.

My favorite figure to paint was probably Boba Fett, partially because he turned out so well in the end. And I really liked using all the colors to make him look like in the movies. Oh, and the Tuskan Raider on the big beast thing. That was really fun to paint and my 5-year-old daughter was able to help me with the base coat which made it even more special.

My least favorite would have to be the troopers because there were so many of them! They turned out well, but it was a lot of the same stuff.

My favorite is probably my Rangers. Had a lot of fun putting them in camo. Otherwise, I think my gangster doshans might be my favorite turn out. How can doshans with golden guns across the table from you,not make you want to wet yourself.
