Painters! What was your favorite/least favorite model to paint?
For me:
I remember having a blast painting chopper. A lot of colors in there that don't get used too often (or used often together). Don't know why, but he was a good time for me.
Fett was also a surprisingly colorful character, and I think painting his helmet was one of the most satisfying moments of my (brief) painting "career".
This was one of the first bigger models I painted, and I'm still happy with how they've turned out. I've found that I generally enjoy painting fur, and it all started with these snarly bois.
Least favorite:
I mean, let's be real...
Soooo many troopers.
Also, after all that time (allll that white) I'm actually not very happy with the wash job that I've done on them- I'm well aware it's really heavy.
I think I got a little better with RTH and JR
And finally, I think I've gotten the knack of it with Heart of the Empire
That being said, there is one unit I despised painting even more than any stormtrooper variant: the Clawdite shapeshifter.
While I enjoyed making my elite inspired by Wessell, I just... hated painting these guys. They just seemed to have a stupid amount of straps on them, and while at this point I don't find straps to be all that hard anymore... I also don't find them to be very fun. Painting these guys was just tedious, and even though I do like how they turned out (other than the skin color, which seems a little off to me) I just really have bad memories with these.
I mean, I was also home sick the day I painted them, so maybe that's what it was. But I did not have a good time.
Anyway, looking forward to reading your favorite and least favorite units, and their accompanying stories!