Met up with a good friend of mine tonight after work for a quick game. He picked up a e wing and wanted to try it. He paired it with poe/black one b wing land veteran instinct and jon cannon.

I ran my quick draws gunboats list I've been tweaking on the last couple of games.
Quick draw spec ops lightweight frame harpoon fire control system and intensity.
Double edge snap shot cruise missiles got harpoon guidance chips
Nu squadron xg1 assault linked battery flechette cannon seismic Torps.

Both had a 100 he had initiative.
He setup in the corner and I setup about in squad formation about 8 inches from the right edge.
Turn 1 I creep out and angle to the right he starts rushing dead forward. Far enough apart that no combat happens.
Turn 2 I stagger the formation and setup what would become the beginnings of the end for his pro. I drop a target lock on the e wing and poe winds up flying through doing a barrel roll and removing the lock and not able to take a focus. He fires off a ion cannon towards the gunboat and hits. Not an problem as I plan bumper cars at this point. Poe shoots and takes 2 shields off quick draw. On the return fire I hit poe for 2 shields. Q/d attack and I hit for the last shield. Double edge was next and in a moment almost worthy of dice shaming my reds let me down 3 different times. 2 tlt shots dodge and my primary. 8 dice and not a single hit. But the gunboat and his fleschete cannon takes a hull from pie on its shot. E wing missed it's attack on q/d with me rolling 3 natural evades. Guess that makes up for double edges failure.
Turn 3 I start what we call bumper cars. The gunboat suffering from the ion blast only creeped forward 1 landing in the middle of what was soon to become a cluster. I arc dodge almost all his ships and with several of his bumping it was prime Pickens. A well placed s turn from quick draw and k turn from double edge was gonna leave him with only unloaded dice and me stressed but in the better positions.

Poe gets burnt down gunboat loses a shield q/d loses his last shield and the e wing starts taking hits after poes demise.
Turn 4 is kinda boring as I make a beeline to follow The e wing to the asteroid he heads for. This turn kinda slacks up a bit as the b wing winds up with nothing in arc and double edge and the gunny able to blast the e wing while quick draw drops a shield from the b with a rear arc parting shot.
Turn 5 sees me aim everything to the opposite side of the asteroid he went to hide behind. Quick draw takes a shot and sends it down in flames. My friend conceded after that as it was just his shield minus 1 b wing vs a full squad of ties. It was fun and i learned a few things as well. I never fired a single harpoon or cruise. Tlt is average with my dice. Nothing is learned without trying.

Fun causal flight and I'm slowly learning how to fly this list that much better every time its flown. Not a great w/l record so far between the rookie pilot and alot of 2v2 and 3v3 matches.
The captn over and out.