Shipwright: Wait….. What?

By Old Stormtrooper, in Star Wars: Age of Rebellion RPG

That’s just it, nothing is being neutralized. What the talent does, at least as I understand, is that you can’t take any of the benefits from those charts that would normally require up to three Advantages to get, and grant them to the ship you’re building. Once done the GM can then take any penalty from that table equal in value to that same number of Threats and apply it to the ship. Thus, your ship will have both a boon and complication built in.

Edited by Tramp Graphics

Also, Creative Design can apply to any crafting check - blasters, armor, lightsabers, droids, all of it.

On 23/04/2018 at 2:05 AM, Tramp Graphics said:

That’s just it, nothing is being neutralized. What the talent does, at least as I understand, is that you can’t take any of the benefits from those charts that would normally require up to three Advantages to get, and grant them to the ship you’re building. Once done the GM can then take any penalty from that table equal in value to that same number of Threats and apply it to the ship. Thus, your ship will have both a boon and complication built in.

To be honest, having looked at the Talent tree for Shipwright (I don't have the book yet, damned UK distribution schedule...) I think the Spec was put in to address some issues with the general crafting system. Both Creative Design and Eye For Detail give me that impression:

Creative Design - I think this is a way to get some "quirks" into things the PCs are crafting. Maybe my group isn't typical, but when I joined and created my Outlaw Tech, I was encouraged and funded by other PCs to make weapons that would never be used, just to get the Schematic result and reduce the difficulty of future checks. As a result, if I build an energy pistol or rifle the difficulty is Simple - I can only fail if I roll nothing but blanks and advantages. This Talent offers some extra cool stuff on the item as a carrot, but lets the GM give it some foibles as well.

Eye For Detail - The huge flaw in the rules at the moment is that you're dependent on getting advantages to get the good stuff, successes only reduce the time taken to make the item. It's really frustrating when the team Assassin ask you to make them a new rifle with things like extended range and Accurate, but you get nothing but successes so you just produce a completely standard blaster rifle in an hour. The time reduction is only worth having if you're under serious time pressure, if you've got a week of downtime and want to make something good you have to churn out item after item until you get something you like.

Hmm, I wonder if a re-done crafting system similar to the way genesys does spells would be in order. Want X feature? Increase the difficulty by 1. Etc.

8 hours ago, Ahrimon said:

Hmm, I wonder if a re-done crafting system similar to the way genesys does spells would be in order. Want X feature? Increase the difficulty by 1. Etc.

I have been wondering about a revamp like is being done by @EliasWindrider on the Nubian collective thread... But I figured wait and see how that turns out first before jumping all over the rest of the crafting system. I mean we still need vehicle scale weapons!

5 hours ago, jayc007 said:

I have been wondering about a revamp like is being done by @EliasWindrider on the Nubian collective thread... But I figured wait and see how that turns out first before jumping all over the rest of the crafting system. I mean we still need vehicle scale weapons!

Thanks for the mention. I'm not sure we need rules for vehicle scale weapons. In this system, they're attachments not separate items, and to the best of my knowledge there're aren't rules for crafting other attachments (other than if pay the credits you can say you made it rather than buying it). I could see rules for modding vehicle scale weapons though.

Also, this isn't saying that revising the other crafting rules isn't a worthwhile effort, but the vehicle crafting rules are a lot more deficient than the other crafting rules, with the possible exception of droid crafting (which I haven't dug to deeply into), so if you were going to start somewhere, that's where I would start. And the idea is look at the specific deficiencies you want to correct, as an example how would you craft replica droids.

Droid crafting is ok, main thing missing in my view is more templates. Having a minion combat droid and a nemesis combat droid is missing an important mid point in my view!

On 4/25/2018 at 5:38 PM, Darzil said:

Droid crafting is ok, main thing missing in my view is more templates. Having a minion combat droid and a nemesis combat droid is missing an important mid point in my view!

Give a minion labor droid the nemesis assassin bot programming and you are getting pretty much into the middle ground. We have plenty of those, dirt cheap as well, even when time consuming.