Is there truly a "cure" to the white die "disease" ??

By topacesteve, in Imperial Assault Skirmish

Guys i used to love the white die defense of the rebels back in the innocent years but in the current meta with Surge Token - Pierce 2 - Multi Range Attack

equipped Sentries our rebels having white die is like having no die at all. Since most of them are Melee characters its difficult to avoid enemy fire.

Do you thing the only remedy are command cards Stealth Tactics , Knowledge and Defense, Camouflage? You are forced to create a defensive Command Deck

though. Very limiting

It can't be worse than playing zillo vs scum hunters. Sure you can discard your whole command deck but you never see pierce

Any evade that cancels +2dmg is better than 1 block

Edited by buckero0

Does white dice fare any worse against sentries than it does against eQuays? Or does it fare any worse than black dice against Vader?

Solution: Give all white dice figures Cunning.

The white die is generally better against any attack that has surge for +2 damage that doesn't get a lot of surges.

If evade = 2 blocks, then this is how much each die blocks:
White: 0, 1, 2, 3, 3, infinite
Black: 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3

Even if evade = 1 block (like +1 damage), you're looking at:
White: 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, infinite
Black: 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3

Personally, I'd love to trade 1 extra block on the low end to get a chance to block all damage.

Of course in practice, not every figure surges for +2, or sometimes they have a glut of surges so the evade does nothing.

What's funny about what you mention is that pierce 2 is actually less effective against white dice (only negates 1 block), whereas against black dice pierce 2 turns the die into 0,0,0,0,0,1 for how much it blocks on each side.

Math says, that the 1/6 dodge makes the white die even better than the black die for attacks with 6 or more damage. If the attacker rolls 3 damage and a surge for +2 damage (5 damage over all), then the white die is even better against a 5 damage attack.

Let's assume a "standard attack", which in my opinion still is an Elite Stormtrooper having 3 damage and a surge for +2 damage (5 damage over all) after rerolls.

The black die has 1x evade for 2 blocks, 2x 1 block, 2x 2 blocks and 1x 3 blocks. The average result is 1 5/6 blocks = 1,8333 blocks.

The white die has 1x blank for 0 blocks, 1x 1 block, 1x 1 evade for 2 blocks, 2x 1 evade plus 1 block for three blocks overall and 1x the dodge for 5 blocks. The average result is 2 1/3 = 2,3333.

AND if the attacker rolls even more damage, then the dodge becomes even better.

The big difference between the white and the black die is the consistency. The black die almost every time blocks something, but just in rare case blocks everything. The white die sometimes blocks nothing and sometimes even an attack of Vader.

Which die is better strongly depends on your local meta. EWeequays and HKs make your average white die a lot worse, when they have you reroll a dodge. If there's a lot of Han Solos and Vaders in your area, then the white die becomes a lot better, because they give you the opportunity to dodge 10+ damage attacks.

Edited by DerBaer

I recall an interview I did with Paul Heaver. We talked about the white die. Most people seem to attribute the result of their game to the number of dodges rolled (yours and/or your opponent's).

11 hours ago, DerBaer said:

The big difference between the white and the black die is the consistency. The black die almost every time blocks something, but just in rare case blocks everything. The white die sometimes blocks nothing and sometimes even an attack of Vader.

So this is how I think of it now like @DerBaer stated above. I personally love the black die a lot more. And when attacking a target with a white die, I'm careful how I do it. If I don't have something to make them re-roll or a card or ability to take a dodge result away, I take my lumps if they roll a dodge. I feel like it's just part of the game. So many people are too obsessed with what results should be, but the dice are put in there for a reason. To add some randomness to the game. I think it's accomplished well in IA as it's a great balance between random and skill (managing your dice with cards, etc.).

Dodge is incredibly annoying, but a very unique part of this game.