Breath, Blast, etc. damage clarification

By Cyan_of_Doma, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Hello all,

I'm quite new at this game (just picked it up a few weeks ago), and my group and I have a question regarding the damage inflicted by breeath, blast, and the like. In the description of the abilities, it states that the attacks do the "full" damage to all in the affected area. Now by "full" damage, do they mean it ignores reduction from armor? I ask because, in some cases, such as a master Hellhound or the braziers at the Titan's keep in RtL, they have both Breath AND Pierce, which would be redundant if breath already ignored armor. Can anyone please clairfy this? I thank you for your time.

*note* I was going to try to use the search function for an answer, but the darn thing doesn't seem to want to work on my computer. I can't even click on the magnifying glass. So sorry if this has been answered already.

These attacks do not ignore armor (unless they also have Pierce). "Full damage" just means that the rolled damage applies to each target; you don't divide the rolled damage between the targets.

Cyan_of_Doma said:

Hello all,

I'm quite new at this game (just picked it up a few weeks ago), and my group and I have a question regarding the damage inflicted by breeath, blast, and the like. In the description of the abilities, it states that the attacks do the "full" damage to all in the affected area. Now by "full" damage, do they mean it ignores reduction from armor? I ask because, in some cases, such as a master Hellhound or the braziers at the Titan's keep in RtL, they have both Breath AND Pierce, which would be redundant if breath already ignored armor. Can anyone please clairfy this? I thank you for your time.

*note* I was going to try to use the search function for an answer, but the darn thing doesn't seem to want to work on my computer. I can't even click on the magnifying glass. So sorry if this has been answered already.

The forum search function is useless.

The "full damage" part just means that all figures under the template/inside the Blast radius take the same amount of damage. So if a Breath does 4 damage and two figures are affected, each take 4 damage NOT both just take 2 damage (which would be 4 damage/2 figures = 2 each).

By "full damage", they mean that each model in the blast/breath area is hit with that damage, as opposed to say splitting the damage between the models in AOE attack. So, if you rolled 6 damage, the beastman and Naga in the blast radius are each hit with an attack that did 6 damage, apply armor, and that's the final wounds taken.

I think what they're trying to avoid is the idea that the damage rolled is then divided by the models in the AOE (in my example, saying the Beastman gets 3 damage and the Naga 3 damage, instead of 6 to both of them). Full damage to each model, then armor applied as normal, then wounds taken as normal.


Or what Remy said ;)


Thank you all so much! That helps a lot :-D.

I think this is the right place to post this.

In an encounter ( RTL ) when you are in the trees, are you affected by breath template despite the fact that is far away from you?

P.S: I know that when you are inside the trees you have the SHADOWALK ability.

d3monhunter said:

I think this is the right place to post this.

In an encounter ( RTL ) when you are in the trees, are you affected by breath template despite the fact that is far away from you?

P.S: I know that when you are inside the trees you have the SHADOWALK ability.

If the figure attacking is not adjacent to you and you have shadowcloak then the damage is reduced to zero.

Key thing to remember about Shadowcloak is that the ORIGIN of the attack must be adjacent. This means the figure throwing the attack, with only a couple of exceptions... mainly that skill that lets you use another friendly model as the origin point... forget what it's called :P

Only really confusing one for Shadowcloak is Blast... as you can have the hero stand next to the tree, throw out the blast, say 3 spaces away his/her self, and have blast 2 to hit the figure in the tree. Still hits just fine as the model that attacked is adjacent.