It happened, we got an expansion

By Fightwookies, in Imperial Assault Skirmish

8 hours ago, QuarrenKing said:

With the creature cards as well as Thrawn's command card, I have a sneaking suspicion that the Blaise list and the Bantha list will be coming back with some new twists. (Thrawn would be able to look at the opponent's command deck with his command card, and Blaise would look at the opponent's hand.) (Bantha is a creature.)

Also, with riot troopers already out, and death troopers and zeb along the way, I wonder if there will be more guardian cards at our disposal?

I hope so. Bantha will be back when they change the maps

1 hour ago, aermet69 said:

Does anyone know why Zeb is often depicted in a purple hue - makes him look very cartoonish (which he is but still). Started watching Rebels last night, and not once did I think he looked purple... just find it odd.

He had purple skin in the first 3 seasons.

I would just like to say that y'all are welcome. :-P


Also, does anyone else think that skirmish Ezra will allow bringing in up to a certain number of Scum creatures? Seems thematic and interesting.

12 hours ago, Orpheus_16 said:

Also, does anyone else think that skirmish Ezra will allow bringing in up to a certain number of Scum creatures? Seems thematic and interesting.

Nah, just drop Saska to 4pts

She's still a millstone, but then she's got a reason to be played

Edited by buckero0

I doubt they will allow Ezra to bring anyone along, especially because of Saska. She is a unique figure with a unique ability. Also she doesn't work at her current cost at all. I think buckero0 had the right idea, but should she should be around cost 3. At 4 she would still be worse than Greedo.

I do think it would be fun and a bit thematic if they did allow Ezra to bring along specific other figures like Maul/Hondo/ a small creature.

Ezra bringing lothcats to town

Hondo it could be plausible, but Maul? Maul don't fight for the rebels

1 hour ago, Mantis731 said:

Ezra bringing lothcats to town

Hondo it could be plausible, but Maul? Maul don't fight for the rebels

Totally watched him and 3 other Rebels beat on a group of imperial Agents in Canon...

For Rebels? No.

With Rebels? If it suits his revenge...

3 is probably right but i look at the elite smuggler at 4 and Saska has plus health, the half temp alliance ability and the bad grenade so i figured FFg would never go for 3pts. Her attack is probably between the 2 and the 4 smuggler

Ahh yeah 4 may be more appropriate. Drasnighta summed up what Iwas thinking with Maul. Still don't think it will happen with Ezra though.

4 hours ago, HeliosLancer said:

At 4 she would still be worse than Greedo.

You also have to consider her traits. Smuggler & Spy would be incredibly tempting to include for 4 points in my opinion.

Putting Saska at 4 Deployment Points just means Rebels are spending that amount for 1 very-limited figure and Temporary Alliance. And even with the improvements to Smugglers recently doesn't really help her much. For example, if you try to spend Tools for the Job on her instead of any other Rebel Smuggler, you're not helping yourself. Even the Alliance Smugglers are better because they can Stun!

I'm not 100% sure I want Rebels to have a cheap Temporary Alliance... even if it would help Rebel army diversity. Thematically I wouldn't mind if Ezra could bring in Hondo or Maul, especially since it requires you to sink 7 points into Ezra and push your army to focus around Smuggler or Force User traits.

So if we keep Saska as the only way to bring in Mercs, we'll need to make Saska worth her points. Here's my current solution in my fixes document :


Unique Skirmish Attachment Card: Adaptive Smuggler (Saska Teft only)

Cost: 0

Health +1. Accuracy +1. Add one yellow die to your attack pool.

When you use Unstable Device, each figure on or adjacent to the space you choose suffers 1 DMG in addition to the amount of DMG you roll.

If you did not include a Mercenary deployment using Shady Contacts, you gain: "SURGE: A friendly figure within 3 spaces of you gains 1 WILDCARD TOKEN"

Even with these changes, Saska is still pretty limited with her attack range. But, if Shady Contacts aren't used, now she can be more of a front-line support like Hera with her Wildcard Token distribution. She also hits harder with a 44% chance vs. black and 48% chance vs. white of doing at least 4 DMG.

Honestly, she's nearly worth the 6 points with her improved Unstable Device, which is now a slightly-worse Grenader instead of a waste of a special action.

Edited by cnemmick

So looking at Hondo and Jabba's campaign versions. Jabba has Plot to gain 2 threat (or whatever it is called). This has translated into drawing a CC. So the Skirmish version of Hondo could be, the target choses between draw 1 CC or +2 damage. And the other ability could be while controlling an objective at the end of round, draw a CC.


that would be pretty amazing for a figure with his cost and attack dice.

But , correct me if I'm wrong, but part of the problem is that Saska's cost and her lack of additional utility.

We've seen the eJawas be very successful as a 3 point "bring droids" figure and that's about all (a free good other traits, but that's it).

Now, imagine if Ezra has a good attack and decent abilities so he can can earn his points back? Could be a fun and useful addition to Rebels.

Also, only reason I specified scum creatures was because I figure Terror and dewbacks wouldn't make sense. :-)

4 hours ago, Orpheus_16 said:

W e've seen the eJawas be very successful as a 3 point "bring droids" figure and that's about all (a free good other traits, but that's it).

They're better objective holders than eHiredGuns, as they keep their Dodge results and can use Take Cover for an additional block.