Imperials - 799. AT-ST, Vader

By HanScottFirst, in Army Building

I will probably swap in Veers and some snow troopers eventually. Like having 4 infantry commanders, though. If you want to run the ATST fully loaded you could just do 3 infantry.

Darth Vader [200]
Force Reflexes [15]
Force Push [10]

Stormtroopers [44]
Stormtrooper [11]

Stormtroopers [44]
DLT-19 Stormtrooper [24]

Stormtroopers [44]
DLT-19 Stormtrooper [24]
Stormtroopers [44]
DLT-19 Stormtrooper [24]

AT-ST [195]
88 Twin Light Blaster Cannon [20]
AT-ST Mortar Launcher [10]

74-Z Speeder Bikes
Edited by HanScottFirst

You're going to struggle. I've tried very hard to push back against the "can't run Vader and AT-ST in 800 point lists" mentality that exists. However, after multiple games, I'm starting to accept the notion.

Due to the units that are available right now, and how most of the game modes work, more activations is a very good thing. Vader and ATST don't leave you enough room for Stormtroopers. I'm of the mind you need at least 4 groups of corps, if not 5, to have a competitive list.

I would suggest replacing Vader with Veers so you can sneak in another Bike and another group of troopers, or, alternatively, I would remove the ATST to add the same. I know its cookiecutter and everyone is doing it, but it seems to be the only way to play the Empire competitively right now.

I've had success with;



2 X speederbikes

4 x stormtroopers

With everything basic, that leaves you 49 points for upgrades, but in reality Vader needs at least saber throw so 39 points.

People like to ignore the at-st, particularly ones sat at range. Therefore, I've found it most useful with the grenade launcher and rammed down peoples throats. The recent email from Alex confirming you can stomp and shoot on the same round makes this even better.

That leaves 24 points. I've been going with force push and 1 extra trooper. Sure, the troopers won't do much damage, but they will put out suppression. The bikes, at-st and vader will munch stuff, so this isn't such an issue.

Rapid reinforcements is your friend. You can guarantee your opponent will have more than 88 points out of the action for two rounds, and your 4 man objective grabbers can come into the holes your heavy hitters leave in the first two rounds.

It's not perfect, but it's a perfectly viable way of running the at-st and vader until veers pops up

Edited by Rauhughes

First off I like your list, though I am a firm believer that Vader should always have saber throw, but hey to each there own. I do think it can be a bit hard to run the chicken walker and the dark Lord in the same list, mainly cause as everyone states the amount of activations you can get in a YGIG (you go, I go) system can seriously affect how well you do, cause if your done with your activations, but the opponent still has two AT-RTs and Luke. Well you may not be in the best spot. However, there is a second factor that can be considered, and that's points efficiency. If your able to run objectives and your models can get more work out of them then the points you put in them. In theory... you should be able to scale well, these are just my thoughts on it though.

For rapid deployment you are not required to put units in reserve, it is completely optional

8 hours ago, Copes said:

You're going to struggle. I've tried very hard to push back against the "can't run Vader and AT-ST in 800 point lists" mentality that exists. However, after multiple games, I'm starting to accept the notion.

Due to the units that are available right now, and how most of the game modes work, more activations is a very good thing. Vader and ATST don't leave you enough room for Stormtroopers. I'm of the mind you need at least 4 groups of corps, if not 5, to have a competitive list.

I would suggest replacing Vader with Veers so you can sneak in another Bike and another group of troopers, or, alternatively, I would remove the ATST to add the same. I know its cookiecutter and everyone is doing it, but it seems to be the only way to play the Empire competitively right now.

Then try something like this :

Vader : saber throw, force push, force reflexes

AT-ST : the twin light blaster

3 DLT storm squads

1 HH storm squad

1 +1 storm squad

This is 13pts left. OK, you don't have jetbike. But do you truly need it with such firepower? Plus, jetbikes are, IMO, really over rated (tho they are strong)

Edited by RaevenKS

Definitely give Vader saber throw.

Since you can force push a unit closer to Vader wouldn't that be better than saber throw?

I don't know, I just don't see the value of saber throw vs the insane versatility of force push.

4 hours ago, Mantose262 said:

Since you can force push a unit closer to Vader wouldn't that be better than saber throw?

I don't know, I just don't see the value of saber throw vs the insane versatility of force push.

Saber throw allow Vader to do some damage turn 1-2. And a Saber throw Vader can easely take down a T-47

7 minutes ago, RaevenKS said:

Saber throw allow Vader to do some damage turn 1-2. And a Saber throw Vader can easely take down a T-47

both games I've played, Vader has cut it down. Its immune to melee, so Saber Throw is a must.

11 hours ago, garciaj113 said:

For rapid deployment you are not required to put units in reserve, it is completely optional

Wow. I never noticed that until now.

I'm kind of liking the idea of dropping the bike for 2 troopers, at least until Veers comes out.

2 hours ago, HanScottFirst said:

I'm kind of liking the idea of dropping the bike for 2 troopers, at least until Veers comes out.

This is will the list I'll play. I am not about playing Veers (but I'll easely play Krennic or Thrawn if they come out).
Vader and the AT-ST open 2 big threats for the opponent, and troopers are not that "poor" in equipment so...