Good style of rebellion mission

By damnkid3, in Star Wars: Age of Rebellion RPG

I'm about to start my group back on the age of rebellion themed stories, they were separated from their cell for a while and the game was ran as edge of the empire.

What are some good mission you have sent your group on to help the alliance?

Looking for some ideas, may current thought is to take them around the Galaxy in a saving private Ryan theme game, has any done a game like that before?

When in doubt, have several cells coordinate for a strike.

Mainly depends on your time frame, i.e. is the Rebellion more of a resistance network or a military alliance? Any major rebel operations going on in the galaxy?

Could make an adventure out of finding rendezvous coordinates to rejoin with the fleet, or maybe a VIP was shot down relatively near them.

Saving Private Ryan is a good inspiration for a search and rescue arc.

Edited by Dayham

Intel/recon: the Rebels prefer a more surgical approach than the Empire, so they’ll want information on strategic targets before attacking. Not necessarily the plans for the Death Star, of course. Confirmation of identity and location of persons of interest, financial records, layouts and security for locations of strategic importance, things like that. If the target is manageable for a small cell, following that up with the required action: sabotage, theft, misinformation, capture, assassination, rescue, ...

As Dayham has already said. It really depends on the time frame. Is it pre DS1 or post?

If its before then take inspiration from World War 2 french resistance. Sneaking around. Blowing stuff up. Gathering intel.

If its after DS1 then you can go abit more conventional.

If your party has rejoined with the main Alliance fleet you could have them sent to help a small resistance movement in a sector. Kinda like the SAS pre-Normandy.

Or with the saving private ryan vibe you could have an ex senator or current senator who has some sweet information and the alliance needs to find them before the empire does. Somehow the hutts could want the information as well and all of a sudden youve got a whole bunch of different options.

Have fun!

In addition to FFG's own adventures, be sure to hit up the d6 Holocron for the collection of old West End Games books. More adventure hooks than any table could play in a lifetime.