How Much Duty for the Average Session?

By HaphazardNinja, in Star Wars: Age of Rebellion RPG

How much and when does the GM increase an individual's Duty amount? I know some published adventures have amounts. However, I cannot find anything in the books about this for homemade campaigns. I found the answer once, but have since lost those notes.

This is left up to the GM, since it determines the rank or status in the organization some want to go slower thsn others.

I awarded it after completing a mission and returning back to the base. Regardless of the number of sessions during the mission. I normally awarded between 10 to 20 per mission depending on how their mission related to their Duty choice.

Increasing your duty rank effects the gear they can get, which may cause you to slow down how much you award.

I hope this helps.

I generally award 5 duty apiece for completing the primary mission objective. I then ask people if they felt they accomplished something in line with theirt duty. If yes, I award 2-3 points for that.

Likewise, if the PCs do something noteworthy, like abduct a ranking NPC, that wasn’t their primary objective, I’ll typically award another 2-3 points of duty.

This is all before the propagandist invokes Positive Spin, mind you

Very helpful. Thanks to both of you.

I started off giving 10 or 20, but for my campaign found it ramped up a bit fast, and started to become an issue. In hindsight I'd either not bother and just give a contribution rank for each major plot arc, or at least slow it up. I found it to be quite a determinator of how long the campaign would last.

I found the same as Darzil when giving the duty. I warned the group duty would slow down after earning a couple ranks.

When you are unknown it is easy to impress, once people expect you to succed then the recognition isn't as great. So probably cut it in half after 2 or 3 ranks. Then in half again around rank 5 or 6, if we make it that far.

Decide on WHEN you want them to achieve Contribution Rank 1. Figure out how many sessions between now and then. Divide. Give that much per session. As a GM, you'll want to progress the group up the ranks of the Rebellion so that they achieve something. Contribution Rank is that achievement that brings recognition (or notoriety). For me, my group got to CR1 right when they rescued some people from Hoth. it will correspond to their deeper connections within the rebellion.

I award one duty for each major mission objective completed. An additional 1 if that objective is in the duty label for that character.

Speaking of Contribution and Duty--can the PCs request items that are (R)estricted? I got PCs asking to get new transponder codes for their ship 20,000 credits (rarity 6 or 7--afb). Are there official rulings on what can be awarded?

2 hours ago, shamp said:

Speaking of Contribution and Duty--can the PCs request items that are (R)estricted? I got PCs asking to get new transponder codes for their ship 20,000 credits (rarity 6 or 7--afb). Are there official rulings on what can be awarded?

They can request it if it fits in their contribution rank, but you have the final say as the GM on whether or not it happens. Either it does happen (technicians making some fixes), it doesn't (transponder codes are currently unavailable), or you could have them earn it (here's a location of transponder codes, go steal them)