In praise of the FFG CE team

By RobertDG, in Cosmic Encounter

As a long time fan of CE, I've had my gripes about various versions, but have always enjoyed the gameplay regardless of production values. With the FFG version in my hands, I have to say that everything that I liked about CE is present, and almost everything I disliked about other versions are gone. When I examine the pieces, I keep finding some new feature that shows the care and attention to detail that the team brought to my favorite game, whether it's pretty graphic design or smart and careful game mechanics clarification.

So let's all tell them something neat that we like about the new CE. Not a gripe-fest for old editions or nit-picking about perceived imperfections, but congratulations on a job well done. There's far too little sincere, caveat-free praise in the nerd/geek community, of which most of us feel a part of.


For my part, I love that each planet has a "solid" color side, where each planet is identical and easily identifiable as "red" or "green". But the neat thing is that the flip side has the color around the edge, with the planets themselves each looking different from each other, some kind of yellow, some grey, some swirly looking... a really nice touch. Thanks for caring so much that you thought of even that tiny detail. It really shines through.

In general, I like that it included so many new things. New aliens and Tech- that's worth it for me.

On a personal note, I like that it includes Fodder.

I just wish I actually had a copy in my hands to caress and gaze upon. Still waiting..... aiaaaieieeeeeeee!

To me, the biggest draw is the art. I'm a huge fan of the consistant style and hope it will keep the same level of quality for the expansions!

My favorite things are the ships!
Just something about stacking and
playing with them like poker chips.
love that sound!

RobertDG said:

When I examine the pieces, I keep finding some new feature that shows the care and attention to detail that the team brought to my favorite game, whether it's pretty graphic design or smart and careful game mechanics clarification.

There's a lot of "little things" that Kevin and the FFG team did right; every time I open the box and mess around with stuff or just read the cards, I notice a new subtle touch that shows how much attention to detail was paid by everyone involved.

Cosmic Encounters is a classic game that is very worthy of being treated well but which has had it's ups and downs over the years.

FFG did a fantastic job on their version, which is clearly better than any edition prior (including the original).

The art is beautiful. The components are high quality. The rules are clear and well written. And it is obvious that love and care went into play balance and clarity for new players.


Yep, add me in to the gratulation!

Now, please announce an expansion soon :-)


I just got my CE yesterday and I just want to say seeing it in person, right in front of you, it is the most beautiful thing I ever saw. The graphics, the ships, the power art, and everything with it. I haven't played it yet, will do on vacation, but I'm sure game play is awesome to match the level of detail. Kudos to everyone involved in making a true translation of a wonderful game.

This is definately on my to buy list after Christmas. From any of the reviews I have read I was happy to hear that a lot of the old school mechanics from previous versions were brought back in after Avalon Hill butchered the crap out of it. Very eager to get my hands on this and glad to hear the CE team really stepped up on this one and have taken an old classic and made it new again.

For me, it's the simple fact that we now have a beautiful new version of a classic game to play. It's not dumbed down like the AH version, and it takes the original even farther--and all with FFG's usual high standards! Thank you!

Played my first 5-6 games of CE today. All I can say is Well done FFG. This set is a wonderful version of CE, combining all the wonderful features of the other editions. I also really loved the FFG tech touch. Lots of fun.

Well, I have to agree with all the other statements, but the thing I really like ist the little timingstrip on each aliensheet.

It makes it so easy for everybody, newbies and veterans alike, to keep track of each encounter.

And then they just transferred this onte the other cards in the game aswell, pure genuis i say.

Thank you FFG

I'd previously owned only the Avalon Hill edition. I thought the game was simply brilliant, but could use a little more zing. I'd actually been pricing out Mayfair editions on eBay just before this version was announced - now I've got modern quality components with a meatier, more thorough game. And I've even converted my friends who never really got into the AH edition! Guess who's a happy gamer? :D

As for specifics, I like:

  • Technology
  • Morph & Reinforcements
  • Special & Wild Destiny Cards

And of course I'm enamored with the production value and clarity of rules. More aliens is a definite plus. But perhaps most of all I like the fact that there are plans to expand it! Cosmic Encounter might just end up climbing the ladder from my fourth all time favorite board game to my third! Keep up the excellent and commendable work FFG!