Chemnitz's Legion Log

By chemnitz, in Painting

I have begun gluing and converting and painting the miniatures for Star Wars: Legion, and I will be keeping a record of my activities here. I am a pretty big noob--I haven't really done any miniatures gaming in a couple decades. You can see my previous efforts at building terrain here: A Noob's Build Log - Tatooine

I will start with a few conversions that I have made. First, I did a head swap with a Duros and a unit leader. I kinda botched the necks, so I decided now would be a good time to learn how to use green stuff. After scouring this forum for ideas, I decided to give the Duros a jaunty scarf. The other solider got a handkerchief. I think that these turned out pretty well.


Filled with confidence from my first attempts, I tried a couple bolder designs with green stuff. The results were mixed. I tried to convert a trooper into a Twilek, which went not terribly but not great. I am hoping that I can fix it some with paint. Then, I decided to give one of my ion troopers a braid down her back.



Any constructive criticism is welcome. Thanks!

Here is my AT-ST, ready for action.


I have been having a lot of fun converting, and so I did two more. For the first, I made one of my ion troopers into a second Twilek. I liked the first one better, but oh well.

Then, I realized that I had an extra stormtrooper in the box. I decided that this could be used for a couple different conversions, and so I frankensteined some things together. I was going for a veteran rebel trooper who has scavenged some stormtrooper armor. I had to add a lot of greenstuff to make the arms fit, and so I tried to make some crude shoulder-pads for him. I'm trying to decide what I think of him.



Next up: I have acquired some old Star Wars Miniatures, and I plan to do some head swaps. I have a Mon Calamari, a Bith, and a Quarren.

I’m struggling just to glue and paint my miniatures from the core set, so I am impressed. I think your conversions look great.

22 hours ago, chemnitz said:

Next up: I have acquired some old Star Wars Miniatures, and I plan to do some head swaps. I have a Mon Calamari, a Bith, and a Quarren.

Nice work on your minis. The conversions are great. On the Twileks I would probably start with trimming the helmets back just a bit before adding green stuff to give you a little room to sculpt with out getting to big. But great work non the less.

Great minds must think alike! Because I posted in another thread that I have the same exact WotC miniatures and I was doing head swaps with those to create an entire alien squad. I am also planning on using a Greedo miniature and the female Ithorian in the Bespin Gambit set from Imperial Assault.

Thanks, guys.

I did my alien head swaps. I present to you Alien Squad!


For kicks, I decided to add a couple small details to a couple of the other figures. I gave one unit leader a bushy beard, and I gave one of the Rex-lookalikes a bandage on his arm.


Finally, I decided to modify my kitbashed ion trooper further. I traded out his legs with the legs of a Duros. I also changed out his head. I like it better now.



That should be enough conversions of my troopers. I now have 10 aliens (4 Duros + 2 Twilek + 2 Quarren + 1 Mon Calamari + 1 Bith) and 18 humans, which feels like a good ratio. I do plan on converting a couple of my AT-RTs still, but that will be the last of it then. I plan to leave my Stormtroopers looking very uniform and movie-accurate. Probably my next update will involve painting some of these dudes.

Edited by chemnitz
58 minutes ago, chemnitz said:

Thanks, guys.

I did my alien head swaps. I present to you Alien Squad!

I wish there was an more emphatic 'like' reaction than just 'like' - you're efforts are inspiring!!!

1 hour ago, chemnitz said:

I now have 10 aliens (4 Duros + 2 Twilek + 2 Quarren + 1 Mon Calamari + 1 Bith)...

Sergeant : Trooper! Where is your helmet.

Bith trooper : Err, they didn't have one in my size Sarg.

Sergeant : [ expletive! ] Well, by all that's good in The Force, keep that thing down - you'll give away our position to half the galaxy.

After a brief hiatus, I am back to Legion. I converted a couple of my AT-RT riders. The one got binoculars and a bandanna. The other stole the arm armor and pauldron from a Stormtrooper.


Also, I finally started painting. I am a third rate painter *and* very slow, so I am only aiming at table-standard, not showcase-standard. Here are my speeder bikes.


I made a small conversion to one scout trooper, turning his head forward and bending his arm slightly. I like it--he looks like he is drawing his gun dramatically.


9 hours ago, chemnitz said:

--he looks like he is drawing his gun dramatically.

Or, after spending a few seconds firing at his pursuers, he thought he better look where he's goi-


I put base colors and shade on a couple of AT-RT drivers. These are two of the uniform color schemes that I plan to use for my army. What do you think?



WHERE did you get those alien heads? Were they all scratch-sculpts?

On 4/12/2018 at 8:57 PM, chemnitz said:

These are all heads from the old Star Wars Miniatures game. Left to right: Mon Calamari Mercenary (Rebel Storm 53), Quarren Bounty Hunter (Bounty Hunters 45), Bith Rebel (Universe 44), and Quarren Assassin (Rebel Storm 54). Only the Twileks are scratch-sculpts.

Edited by chemnitz

The Quarren heads look a bit smallish to my eye, but the others are spot on.

Well done, sir.

Yeah, looks real nice. I might have to grab some minis to chop up.

I decided to try something experimental with my third AT-RT driver. My vision is that the driver has scavenged the helmet and arm armor of a Stormtrooper and painted it purple with flames. Then, he drives an AT-RT which is also purple with flames (with a flamethrower equipped). It may be too outlandish of an idea. I am debating whether I like the results of my work or I should strip the paint and try something different. I would love to hear some opinions. Thanks.


Here are all my drivers, nearly ready to go. I am painting the rest of the AT-RTs next.


I love the experimentation you're doing.

Could you also do a custom paint job on the helmet too? or add a Mohawk like Yondu's on the helmet? To make it less Imperial looking. Just spit balling.

Yondu Udonta | Marvel Movies | FANDOM powered by Wikia

I like the mohawk idea. I could paint it in flames, too, to give the figure some more color.

Hmmm, I will think about it...

I like the AT-RT drivers and would use them as they are. If anything, I would use a lighter purple to give it more contrast.

Here are my AT-RTs finished (except for some very minor finishing touches). I ended up adding a stripe down the middle of the Stormtrooper helmet instead of full mohawk. I think that it works pretty well. My personal favorite, though, is the shark mouth.


Looking great!

These AT RTs all look great. I like the shark mouth and the flames, and I think your stormtrooper helmet came out great.

I have lots of pictures to share today. I know that the paint jobs are not showcase quality, but I think that they came out reasonably well.

First of all, I finished painting my AT-ST. Nothing too wild--I am trying to keep my Imperials simple and clean.



Next, my older daughter and I spent a weekend painting up our first squad of Rebel Troopers. We put together a palette of ten colors that would be used for all of our Rebels, and then each squad will focus on 4 or 5 of those colors. The goal is to look rag-tag and diverse while also having some elements that tie the whole army together. For the first squad, the main colors are Navy Blue, Blue Grey, Dark Grey, and Deck Tan with Chestnut backpacks. You will notice that a number of these figures are converted (see pics above).




Finally, I painted up the Dark Lord of the Sith himself. This was my first time ever doing object-source lighting, and my results were mixed. I think that it looks alright, but I have already decided not to use OSL for Luke.


Edited by chemnitz

Your OSL looks good on the figure, but I'm not sure what he's standing on.

Is the floor supposed to be red, or is that from the saber? Make the ground look like the one used on the Rebel figures and that should make a difference. That's my only note.

On 5/16/2018 at 10:03 AM, Force Majeure said:

Your OSL looks good on the figure, but I'm not sure what he's standing on.

Is the floor supposed to be red, or is that from the saber? Make the ground look like the one used on the Rebel figures and that should make a difference. That's my only note.

The red is supposed to be from the saber, but it turned out too red. It is not as bad in real life as in the picture, but it is still pretty red. I have no idea how to fix it, so I might just leave it. Unless someone has an easy solution...

I painted up Luke. It is not my best work, but I am realizing that human faces are really tough. I finally got it to look not terrible.


So, here is father and son together.

