Deck Help: Sabine/ Bo-Katan (theory deck)

By Frostthorn, in Star Wars: Destiny

So... being the mando freak I am, I have made a Bo-katan proxy with dice till I can get the offical printing. I am considering making a double mando lady deck with her and Sabine alla: Make Mandalore Great Again. (the dark saber's not in the game yet... right?)

Anyway, help a girl out as I am still crazy new and buying singles for deck builds. I have 2die sabine and "2die bo-katan, flame throwers, jetpacks and the like. What would be thematic yet still decent enough to hold its own.

Thank you,


Formidable will pair very nicely with On the Hunt . Blackmail is always a win. If you never get to use it because your opponent pays to remove the die every turn, it is generating your income and hamstring theirs. Cable Launcher is also a great way to hamstring your opponent. (Even better if you use their resource to make it happen!) I love Prized Possession - it can dramatically change the game - but it's been cut from my recent deck for cost.

If you don't already use it, is an excellent place to deck build. It does not have Bo-Katan as a fieldable character yet, so there is no way to throw villain upgrades in it yet, but it is otherwise a great resource. They have all of the spoiled cards, include Bo, in their searchable database. For some reason, does not have Legacies up yet, and so we cannot build decks on there for, say, Worlds.

The villains have no Thermal cards yet, so it's a no-go on that front.

Probably another noob question. Is it bad tack to start a game with only 2 character dice? I know Sabine and Bo are both 15 for single die, like are they supposed to be so epenssive? (like stat wise/game mechanic wise) It looks like, minus Ezra there's very little options to take either of them at 2 die and get another 2 die character.

I am more looking for tough mando-babes and not a tier one worlds deck. But I also don't want to get run over

On 4/13/2018 at 5:55 PM, Frostthorn said:

Probably another noob question. Is it bad tack to start a game with only 2 character dice? I know Sabine and Bo are both 15 for single die, like are they supposed to be so epenssive? (like stat wise/game mechanic wise) It looks like, minus Ezra there's very little options to take either of them at 2 die and get another 2 die character.

I am more looking for tough mando-babes and not a tier one worlds deck. But I also don't want to get run over

Ehh arguably they are priced appropriately i think. Sabine is really good and can obliterate an enemy just by activating if the stars align.

In casual games i think it might be okay but your biggest enemy is dice removal. Unless you play upgrades quick you only have two dice turn one compared to the 3-4 most people normally have. Fast hands and ambush weapons on sabine are your best friends I think.