Fastest Hero in the game

By Suhawk75, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

My gf and I were playing RTL the other day with her as Jain / Treasure Hunter. She had Dungeoneer, Gold Rush, Dead Mans Trinket and Elven Boots which made her outrageously mobile. With a stamina potion and her heroic feat she could get just about anywhere.

This got me thinking, is Jain/ Treasure Hunter the fastest hero in the game?

With the right load out and just ONE stamina potion I reckon she can use her heroic feat and dungeoneer to attack twice AND search AND move up to 26 spaces!

Assuming she starts close to a chest she exhausts the trinket for 1, Elven Boots +1, 4 stamina to move, 1 stamina to activate dungeoneer (first action), gain up to 5 movement points from Gold Rush, Free attack (from dungeoneer), drink stamina potion, use up to 5 stamina to move again, activate heroic feat (2nd action), move 10 then attack again.

Add in Survey skill (+1 fatigue!) and Ring of Power (+1 fatigue) and that’s her got an extra 4 movement to work from (30 spaces!)

Assuming we limit her to no stamina potions we can only move a measly 21 (or 23 with Survey/ RoP)

Can anyone match this? Or even come close?

(I’m sort of worried I may have miscounted and/ or made a drastic rules error! You can move as many spaces up to stamina right? It’s not limited to two like in IA is it?)

Happy Monday theorycrafting

Jain is certainly among the fastest. Silhouette can achieve similar numbers with her Heroic Feat too, but she has a lower maximum stamina, making her slower.

Additionally, you can gain more movement out of using a Wildlander with Fleet of Foot than you can with a Gold Rush. If Jain uses 10 stamina to move, she can gain an additional 10 movement points with Fleet of Foot vs. the 6 she gained from Gold Rush + Compass.

Treasure Hunter gives her the extra Search + Attack though, if you're not purely interested in max # of squares moved in a single turn.

Edited by Charmy

There are a number of really fast heroes in the game under the right circumstances. There are also a few who can be just a little slower, but can move a lot more regularly.

That Jain combo is indeed crazy fast. For the sake of equality, let's leave out stamina potions.

Her heroic feat let's her go 10 spaces (speed x2), 10 from 2 move actions, 5 from her fatigue, 1 from dead man's compass. That's 26 max (she wouldn't go any more spaces with dungeoneer/gold rush even though she'd get to attack). Yes, she could go farther with gear like Elven Boots or the Ring of Power, but so could anyone. She's also limited to one of these sprints per encounter as her heroic feat is spent. (Note, if she's not a treasure hunter, but a wildlander with Fleet of Foot, her fatigue will get her 10 spaces instead of 5. She could- one EVERY turn- move 5, suffer 5 fatigue to move 10, and rest.)

EDIT: Charmy beat me to the punch on Fleet of Foot.

A character like a Astarra the Conjurer can move 4 spaces using 1 fatigue and an image token with her hero ability and Illusory Path. She has 4 speed and 5 stamina, which allows her to get a pretty decent move on, too.

High Mage Quellen can boost his stamina up to 8 with his heroic feat, and that adds up to a fair bit of movement especially in combination with a skill like Ways of Stone.

Edited by Zaltyre

Oft yeah that is even faster then.

Elven Boots - 1 space

5 stamina - 10 spaces

Boring old Move action - 5 spaces (since age doesn’t use Dungeoneer)

stamina potion - 10 more spaces

Heroic Feat - 10 more spaces

36 spaces!

2 minutes ago, Zaltyre said:

There are a number of really fast heroes in the game under the right circumstances. There are also a few who can be just a little slower, but can move a lot more regularly.

That Jain combo is indeed crazy fast. For the sake of equality, let's leave out stamina potions.

Her heroic feat let's her go 10 spaces (speed x2), 10 from 2 move actions, 5 from her fatigue, 1 from dead man's compass. That's 26 max (she wouldn't go any more spaces with dungeoneer/gold rush even though she'd get to attack). Yes, she could go farther with gear like Elven Boots or the Ring of Power, but so could anyone. She's also limited to one of these sprints per encounter as her heroic feat is spent. (Note, if she's not a treasure hunter, but a wildlander with Fleet of Foot, her fatigue will get her 10 spaces instead of 5. She could- one EVERY turn- move 5, suffer 5 fatigue to move 10, and rest.)

EDIT: Charmy beat me to the punch on Fleet of Foot.

I think her heroic feat is an action so she’d only get one additional move action which limits that combo to 21 iicc (if I counted correctly). Without stamina potion or Elven Boots the Trinket/ dungeoneer/ Gold Rush/ Heroic combo gives 20 but an additional search and free attack added in.

Thats the sound of all the dwarves crying btw

Oops you're right. HF is indeed an action. Subtract 5.

if you are for the most MP.. replace Elven boots with Undying Skull and Ring of Power (both Act I)..
-1 (from elven boots)
+4 (pure stamina)
+4 (potion)

But something most heroes will not easyly surpass ... Jain HF are spaces ..not MP's, so water and the like are ignored !!!

Edited by Felin
7 hours ago, Zaltyre said:

That's 26 max (she wouldn't go any more spaces with dungeoneer/gold rush even though she'd get to attack).

Gold rush could let her go farther if used in conjunction with trail of riches.

Well not really, trail of riches only widens the search radius. It doesn’t add movement points.

Indeed not directly but as it's a free action
what Bucho says is that we can use Gold Rush to add 5 more free movement points (above the 2 move actions)

Ah ok I see the sequence (sorry Bucho)

Trail of Riches (1 fatigue spent but actionless) setting off Gold Rush (up to 5 movement points) but still allowing both a move action (5 more) plus her heroic feat (10 spaces) plus remaining 4 stamina to move.

24 movement / spaces (in combination) plus a search and attack without a stamina potion, Elven Boots, Trinket or anything else. Blimey that’s pretty impressive too.

Compares to 25 with Fleet of Foot in similar circumstances (5 stamina to get 10 movement points, move action then heroic) but, of course, the Treasure Hunter starts with the Dead Mans Trinket.

Of course, this all relies on having a search token ?

If you're talking about "the faster hero in the game in one shot with all the good elements", maybe Jain the wildlander is the one.

But, if you're asking "the faster hero in a full play game", I would say many more does better :
- Okaluk and Rakash can move up to 4 spaces at least each turn even if paralysed
- Astarra can "jump" up to 4 spaces each turn, even if she has no fatigue left (suffering a heart is not so often a trouble)
- Logan can move 1 spaces each time he perform an attack (even if it misses) or perform a move if there's no use of attacking and his feat can gives him an additionnal move and attack (and so an additional movement point)
- Silhouette has a feat that allow hero to move twice her speed and do some search actions free by the way
- Karnon the Berserker can with charge perform it once, killing the monster and recovers 1 fatigue, maybe another one with surge, and then do it again each turn.