Lethal Critical Hit Tables

By Icosiel, in Genesys

Inspired by the incredible work of @Tom Cruise with their Dark Heresy Genesys conversion, I spent today converting the old Dark Heresy critical hit tables for my games. We're starting Dark Heresy on Wednesday, and I wanted to make sure the game felt as lethal and unforgiving as the old official version.

So heads up: These alternate crit tables are super, super deadly.

There wasn't a whole lot of rules bending that I had to do to make these crits work in this system. It makes dealing crits a little more time consuming, but the horrifying effect is ultimately worth it. When a critical hit is dealt to a Rival, Nemesis, or PC, the inflicting character first determines the type of damage being dealt. To determine the type of damage, the PC and the GM briefly decide on what type the offending attack is dealing. I thought about revisiting every weapon in the book and assigning it a damage type, but that seemed both cumbersome and a waste of time. As Genesys is a fluid, cinematic system, the nature of every attack is highly variable. It makes the most sense for the players to decide on the damage type in the moment. The damage types are:

  • Rending
  • Impact
  • Exposive
  • Energy
Once type has been decided, the inflicting character rolls 1d10 to see what area of the body was critically hit:
  • 1,2: Left leg
  • 3,4: Right leg
  • 5,6,7: Torso
  • 8: Left Arm
  • 9: Right Arm
  • 10: Head
Alternatively, before making the attack check, the character can perform the aim maneuver to aim at a specific part of the body, incurring two setback dice on the check rather than gaining a boost. This allows them to choose what part of the body they hit when (and if) they get a critical hit. A second aim maneuver can be made to reduce the penalty to one setback, as per normal Genesys rules.
Then, the players reference the correct table below and roll another d10. Each critical hit they’ve had previously adds 1 to the roll. Vicious adds its value to this roll, as well. Durable subtracts from it.
Easy : The attack knocks the leg backward, painfully jerking it away from the body. The target suffers 1 Strain.
Easy : The target’s kneecap splits open. They fall prone, and suffer 1 Wound.
Average : The attack rips a length of flesh from the leg, causing blood to gush forth. The target suffers 1 Strain per round until the end of the encounter.
Average : The attack shatters the target’s kneecap. The target cannot perform more than one maneuver per round until the end of the round.
Average : In a spray of blood, the target’s leg is opened up, exposing bone, sinew, and muscle. The target suffers 5 Strain and cannot use that limb for the remainder of the encounter. Any attempt to do so upgrades the difficulty of the attempted check twice.
Hard : The blow slices a couple of centimeters off of the end of the target’s foot. The target must make an Average Resilience check or the foot is immediately and permanently lost.
Hard : The force of the blow cuts deep into the leg, grinding against bone and tearing ligaments apart. The leg is broken (unusable until healed), and the target suffers 1 Wound per round until the Criticle Injury is healed.
Daunting : In a single bloody hack, the leg is lopped off of the target, spurting its vital fluids across the ground. The target must imediately make an Average Resilience check, upgraded once or die from shock. On a success, the target is Staggered for the remainder of the encounter, as he clutches his stump and screams.
Daunting : With a meaty chop, the leg comes away at the hip. The target pitches to the ground howling and dies at the end of their next turn.
Dead : As above, e
Easy : The attack tears skin from the face. Suffer 1 Strain. If the target is wearing a helmet there is no effect.
Easy : The attack slices open the target’s scalp which immediately begins to bleed. The target’s next check has the difficulty upgraded once.
Average : The attack tears the target’s helmet from their head. If wearing no helmet, the target loses an ear and suffers 2 wounds.
Average : The attack scoops out one of the target’s eyes. The target is Staggered for one round, and suffers setback on all visual checks.
Average : The attack opens up the target’s face, leaving them Staggered for one round and inflicting 3 wounds. If the target is wearing a helmet, it comes off.
Hard : As the blow violently rips across the target’s face—it takes with it an important feature. 1d10. 1-3 Eye (partial blindness, setback to visual checks), 4-7 Nose (-1 Presence), 8-10 Ear (Setback to Presence checks)
Hard : In a splatter of skin and teeth, the attack removes most of the target’s face. They are permanently blinded and reduce their Presence by one. In addition, the target suffers 1 wound per round until this critical injury is healed.
Dead : The blow slices into the side of the target’s head, causing their eyes to pop out and their brain to ooze down their cheek like spilled jelly. They are dead before they hit the ground.
Dead : With a sound not unlike a wet sponge being torn in half, the target’s head flies free of its body and sails through the air, landing harmlessly at Short range with a soggy thud.
Dead : As above, except blood spews from the target’s neck in a torrent, drenching everyone within Short range and adding two setbacks to all of the check of affected parties as gore fills their eyes or fouls their visors.
Easy : If the target is not wearing armor on their torso, they suffer 1 Strain. If they are, there is no effect.
Easy : The attack damages the target’s armor one step. If they are not wearing armor, they are Staggered for one round.
Average : The attack rips a large patch of skin from the target’s torso, leaving them gasping in pain. The target must make an Average Resilience check or be Staggered for one round. On a success, the are Disoriented.
Average : A torrent of blood spills from the deep cuts, making the ground slick with gore. All characters engaged with the target (including the target) must make an Average Coordination check to avoid falling prone into the blood puddle.
Average : The blow opens up a long wound in the target’s torso, causing him to double over in pain. The target is Staggered for one round and suffers 2 Strain.
Hard : The mighty attack takes a sizable chunk out of the target and knocks them prone. The target take 1 Strain per round until the end of the encounter.
Hard : The attack cuts deep into the abdomen, causing considerable blood loss and exposing some of the target’s innards. The target can either choose to use one arm to hold their guts in until the critical injury is healed, or the tarrget can fight on regardless and upgrade the difficulty of all checks they make twice. Three Threat or a Despair can be spent on any of the target’s checks to make them suffer another RENDING - TORSO critical injury.
Daunting : With a vile tearing noise, the skin on the target’s chest peels away revealing a red ruin of muscle. The target must succeed on a Hard Resilience check or die at the end of their next turn. If they succeed, they permanently lose a point of Brawn.
Dead : The powerful blow cleaves the target from gullet to groin, revealing internal organs and spilling them out before him.
Dead : As above,except the area and the target are awash with gore. For the rest of the encounter, Short range from the target’s body is considered difficult terrain.
Easy : The slashing attack tears anything free that was held in this arm.
Easy : Deep cuts cause the target to drop whatever was held and inflicts 1 Strain.
Average : The shredding attack sends the target screaming in pain. They suffer 3 Strain and cannot use that limb for the remainder of the encounter.
Average : A bloody and vey painful-looking furrow is opened up in the target’s arm. They begin vomiting all over the place, and suffer 1 Strain at the end of each of their turns for the remainder of the encounter.
Average : The blow mangles flesh and muscle as it hacks into the target’s hand, liberating 1d5 fingers in the process (1 is pinky). The target is immobilized for the rest of the encounter as they adjust to their new hand shape.
Hard : The attack rips apart skin, muscle, bone, and sinew with ease turning the target’s arm into a dangling ruin. The arm is broken and unusable.
Hard : The attack catches a knuckle, goes north, and flays the skin from the entire arm. The target screams in agony and falls prone, Disorienting all allies (including themselves) for 3 Rounds.
Daunting : With an assortment of unnatural, wet ripping sounds, the arm flies free of the body trailing blood behind it in a crimson arc. The target must make an Average Resilience check or die from shock and blood loss at the end of their next turn. They also now only have one arm.
Dead : The attack slices clean through the arm and into the torso, drenching the ground in blood and killing the target instantly.
Dead : As above, however, the arm falls to the ground in spasms. If that arm was holding a range weapon, it shoots and hits a random target in short range and deals base damage.
Easy : A light blow to the leg leaves the target gasping for air. The target suffers 1 Strain.
Easy : A grazing strike against the leg slows the target. They can only act last during the next round of battle.
Average : The blow hyperextends the target’s leg, leaving him Staggered for one round.
Average : A solid blow to the leg sends lightning agony coursing through the target. They suffer 5 Strain.
Average : A powerful impact causes micro fractures in the target’s bones, inflicting considerable agony. For the remainder of the encounter, the target’s Agility is treated as one less.
Hard : Several of the tiny bones in the target’s foot snap like twigs with cracking noises. The target must make an Average Resilience check or immediately lose the foot. On a success, the target loses their free maneuver until this critical injury is healed.
Hard : With a nasty crunch, the leg is broken and the target is knocked down mewling in pain. The target is knocked prone, and the leg is unusable until this critical injury is healed.
Daunting : The force of the attack rips the lower half of the leg away in a stream of blood. The target must immediately succeed on an Average Resilience check with the difficulty upgrade once , or die from shock. On a success, the target is Staggered for one round and loses their leg.
Daunting : The hit rips apart the flesh of the leg, causing bloo to spray out in all directions even as the target tries futilely to stop the sudden flow of vital fluid. They fall to the ground and die in a spreading pool of gore at the end of their next turn.
Death : As above, but such is the agony of the target’s death that all conversation within Medium range is drowned out and all skill checks by allies incur two setback dice until the target dies.
Easy : The impact fills the target’s head with a terrible ringing noise. The target suffers 1 Strain.
Easy : The attack causes the target to see stars. The target suffers 1 Strain and is Disoriented for 1 round.
Average : The target’s nose explodes in a torrent of blood, blinding them for 1 round (two setbacks to all visual checks).
Average : The concussive strike stuns the target, Staggering them for 1 round.
Average : The force of the blow sends the target reeling in pain, inflicting 4 Strain.
Hard : The target’s head is snapped back by the attack leaving them Staggered for the remainder of the encounter or until this critical injury is healed.
Hard : The attack slams into the target’s head, fracturing their skull and opening a long tear in their scalp. The target is Staggered and Immobilized for one round and suffers 5 Strain.
Daunting : Blood pours from the target’s nose, mouth, ears, and eyes as the attack pulverizes their brain. They will die at the end of their next turn.
Death : The target’s head bursts like an overripe fruit and sprays blood, bone, and brains in all directions. Anyone within Short range of the target is Disoriented for one round. Allies within line of sight must make a Hard Fear check .
Death : As above, except the attack was so powerful that it passes through the target and hits another engaged target. The attacker may immediately make another attack against another character that is engaged with the first target.
Easy : A blow to the target’s body steals the breath from their lungs. The target is Immobilized for 1 round.
Easy : The impact punches the air from the target’s body, inflicting 2 Strain.
Average : The attack breaks a rib. The target is Immobilized from the pain for 1 round.
Average : The blow batters the target, shattering ribs. The target suffers 2 Strain and is Immobilized for 1 round.
Average : A solid blow to the chest winds the target and they momentarily doubles over in crying agony. The target is Staggered for 1 round.
Hard : The attack knocks the target sprawling on the ground. The target flies to short range in the least desirable direction and falls prone.
Hard : With an audible crack, the target’s ribs are broken. The target can choose to forgo actions and await medical attention, suffering no other penalties. Every action they choose to take has its difficulty upgraded twice, and Despair or 4 Threat can be spent to kill the character instantly as ribs pierce vital organs.
Daunting : The force of the attack ruptures several of the target’s organs and knocks them down, gasping in wretched pain. The target suffers 1 Wound per round until this critical injury is healed.
Death : The target jerks back from the force of the attack, throwing back his head and spewing out a jet of blood before crumpling to the ground dead. Allies that witness this must make an Average Fear check .
Death : As above, except the target is thrown Short range towards the nearest ally. The ally must make a successful Average Coordination check or be knocked prone.
Easy : The attack numbs the target’s arm causing them to drop anything held in that hand.
Easy : The strike leaves a deep bruise, inflicting 1 Strain.
Average : The impact inflicts crushing pain and the target suffers 1 Strain and drops whatever was held in that hand.
Average : The attack leaves the target reeling from pain. They are Disoriented for one round, and that limb cannot be used for 1 round.
Average : Muscle and bone take a pounding as the attack rips into the arm. The target’s Brawn and Agility are treated as 1 less for the remainder of the encounter.
Hard : The attack pulverizes the target’s hand, crushing and breaking 1d5 fingers (starting with the pinky). The target must immediately make an Average Resilience check or immediately lose use of the hand.
Hard : With a loud snap, the forearm bone is shattered and left hanging limply at the target’s side, dribbling blood onto the ground. The arm is broken and unusable until this critical injury is healed.
Daunting : The force of the attack takes the arm off just below the shoulder, showering blood and gore across the ground. The target is Staggered for the remainder of the encounter, and must immediately make a Hard Fear check as they vainly grasp at the shredded, wet mess of flesh dangling from their stump.
Daunting : In a rain of blood and meat, the target’s arm is removed from the body entirely. Screaming incoherently, they twist in agony and die at the end of their next turn.
Death : As above, except death is immediate and the impact of the attack is so forceful that shards of bone and armor fly like shrapnel. Every character within short range takes 5 damage Pierce 2.
Easy : A glancing blast back forces the target away to Short range.
Easy : The force of the explosion takes the target’s feet out from under them. They fall prone and suffer 1 Strain.
Average : The concussion cracks the target’s leg, leaving him Staggered for one round.
Average : The explosion sends the target spinning through the air. The target flies to Short range and is knocked prone, suffering 2 Strain.
Average : Explosive force removes part of the target’s foot and scatters is over a wide area. The target must succeed at an Average Coordination check or permanently lose the foot. On a success, they suffer 3 Strain.
Hard : The concussive force of the blast shatters the target's leg bones and splits apart their flesh, inflicting 5 Strain. The leg is broken and unusable until this critical injury is healed.
Hard : The explosion reduces the target’s leg into a hunk of smoking meat. The target must make a successful Average Resilience check or die from shock. On a success, the target is still Staggered for one round and loses the leg.
Death : The blast tears the leg from the body in a geyser of gore, sending the target crashing to the ground, blood pumping from the ragged stump. Instantly fatal.
Death : The leg explodes in an eruption of blood, killing the target immediately and sending tiny fragments of bone and armor hurtling in all directions. Anyone in Short range takes 5 damage Pierce 2.
Death : As above, except in addition, if the target is carrying any ammunition, it explodes dealing 10 damage to anyone in Short range. If the target is carrying any explosives, these also detonate and deal base damage.
Easy : The explosion leaves the target confused. He is Immobilized for 1 round.
Easy : The flash and noise leaves the target blind and deaf for 1 round.
Average : The detonation leaves the target’s face a bloody ruin from scores of small cuts. The target suffers 3 Strain.
Average : The force of the burst knocks the target to the ground and Staggers them for 1 round.
Average : The explosion flays the flesh from the target’s face and bursts their eardrums. They are deafened until this critical injury is healed. The target’s Presence is reduced by one due to hideous scarring until this critical injury is healed.
Death : The target’s head explodes from the force of the attack, leaving their headless corpse to spurt blood for the next few minutes.
Death : Both head and body are blown into a mangled mess, instantly killing the target. In addition, if the target is carrying ammunition it explodes dealing 10 damage to all within Short range. If the target was carrying explosives, they explode as well.
Death : In a series of unpleasant explosion the target’s head and torso peel apart leaving a gory mess on the ground. Short range of the target’s corpse is considered difficult terrain.
Death : The target ceases to exist in any tangible way, entirely turning into a kind of crimson mist. All allies with line of sight must make a Hard Fear check .
Death : As above, except all characters within Short range are Disoriented for 1 round.
Easy : The target is blown backwards to Short range, is knocked prone, and suffers 1 Strain.
Easy : The target is blown back to Medium ranging, suffering consequences accordingly.
Average : The explosion destroys whatever armor protected the body, applying three levels of damage to the armor. If the target wore none, they suffer 5 Wounds.
Average : The explosion sends the target sprawling across the ground. They are knocked prone and are Immobilized for 1 round as they regain themselves.
Average : Concussion from the explosion knocks the target prone and tenderizes their innards. The target is also Staggered from the pain for 1 round.
Hard : Chunks of the target’s flesh are ripped free by the force of the attack leaving large, weeping wounds. The target suffers 1 Wound per round until this critical injury is healed.
Hard : The explosive force of the attack ruptures the target’s flesh and scrambles their nervous system, knocking them prone. The target is Staggered for the remainder of the encounter as they try to regain control of their body’s seizing systems.
Daunting : The target’s chest explodes outward, disgorging a river of partially cooked organs in front of their eyes. They die at the end of their next turn.
Death : Pieces of the target’s body fly in all direction as they are torn into bloody gobbets by the attack. In addition, if the target is carrying any ammunition, it explodes dealing 10 damage to all within Short range. If they are carrying any explosives, these detonate and deal base damage.
Death : As above, except anyone within Short range is drenched in gore and must make a Hard Fear check .
Easy : The attack throws the limb backwards, painfully jerking it away from the body, inflicting 1 Strain.
Easy : the attack sends a fracture through the lim. The target drops anything held in hand and suffers 1 Strain.
Average : The explosion takes 1d5 fingers from the hand (starting with the pinky). Carried in the hand is destroyed. If this is an explosive, it goes off.
Average : The blast causes the target to howl in agony. They suffer 2 Strain and are Staggered for 1 round.
Average : Fragments from the explosion tear into the target’s hand, ripping away flesh and muscle alike. They must succeed at an Average Coordination check or lose the hand. On success, they suffer 4 Strain.
Hard : The explosive attack shatters the bone and mangles the flesh, turning the target’s arm into a red ruin, inflicting 5 Strain. The target’s arm is broken and unusable until this critical injury is healed.
Hard : In a violent hail of flesh, the arm is blown aaprt. The target must immediately make an Average Resilience check or die from shock. On a success, they are Staggered for 1 round. They have lost that arm.
Daunting : The arm disintegrates under the force of the explosion taking a good portion of the shoulder and chest with it. The target is sent screaming to the ground, and dies at the end of their next turn in a pool of their own blood and organs.
Death : With a mighty bang the arm is blasted from the target’s body, killing the target instantly in a rain of blood droplets. In addition, if the target was carrying a weapon with a power source, it explodes and everyone within Short range takes 10 damage.
Death : As above, except splinters of arm bone strike the nearest ally in Short range and and inflict upon them a Rending critical injury.
Easy : A blow to the leg leaves the target gasping for air. Suffer 1 Strain.
Easy : A grazing strike against the leg slows the target for a bit. Immobilized for 1 Round.
Average : The blast buckles the target’s leg leaving them Staggered for 1 Round.
Average : A solid blow to the leg sends electric currents of agony coursing through the target. Suffer 2 Strain, and Immobilized for 1 Round.
Average : The target’s leg endures horrific burn damage, fusing clothing and armor with flesh and bone. The target suffers 5 wounds.
Hard : The attack burns the target’s foot, charring the flesh and emitting a foul aroma. The target loses their free maneuver until this critical injury is healed, and all characters within Short range must make an Average Resilience check or suffer 2 Strain.
Hard : The energy attack fries the leg, leaving it a mess of blackened flesh. The leg is broken until this critical injury is healed. The target must make an Average Resilience check or be Staggered for one round.
Daunting : Energy sears through the bone, causing the leg to be severed. Effect as above, but the target also suffers 5 Strain.
Daunting : The force of the attack reduces the leg to little more than a chunk of sizzling gristle. The target must make an Average Resilience check or die from shock.
Daunting : In a terrifying display of power, the leg immolates and fire consumes the target. They die at the end of their next turn in a heap of melting flesh.
Easy : A grazing blow to the head frazzles the target’s senses, Disorienting them for 1 Round.
Easy : The blast of energy dazzles the target, blinding them for 1 Round.
Average : The attack cooks off the target’s ear, Staggering them for 1 Round and reducing their Presence by 1 until this critical injury is healed. This Presence negation can be ignored by covering the removed ear.
Average : The energy attack burns away all hair from the target’s head as well as leaving them reeling from injury. They suffer 3 Strain and are Disoriented for the remainder of the encounter.
Average : A blast of energy envelopes the target’s head, burning their face and hair, causing him to scream like a stuck pig. In addition to losing their hair, they are blinded for the remainder of the encounter.
Hard : The attack cooks the target’s face, melting their features and damaging their eyes. The target is blinded for the remainder of the day and reduces their Presence by one until this critical injury is healed.
Hard : In a gruesome display, the flesh is burned from the head, exposing charred bone underneath. The target is permanently blinded. In addition, their Presence is reduced to 1.
Death : The target’s head is destroyed in a convocation of fiery death.
Death : Superheated by the attack, the target’s brain explodes, tearing apart their skull and sending chunks of flaming meat at those nearby. Allies in line of sight must make a Hard Fear check .
Death : As above, except the entire body immolates and runs to medium range in a random direction before collapsing. Anything flammable it touches ignites, which can be avoided with an Average Coordination check .
Easy : A blow to the target’s body steals their breath. They are Immobilized for 1 Round.
Easy : The blast burns the air in the target’s lungs, inflicting 2 Strain.
Average : The attack cooks the flesh on the chest, damaging their armor one step and Staggering them for 1 Round.
Average : The energy ripples all over the character, scorching their body and inflicting 5 Strain.
Average : The fury of the attack forces the target to the ground, helplessly covering their face and keening in agony. The target is knocked prone and must make an Average Coordination check or catch fire.
Hard : Struck by the full force of the attack, the target is sent reeling to the ground, smoke spiraling out of their wound. The target is knocked prone and Staggered for the rest of the encounter. Extensive scarring reduces their Brawn by 1 until this critical injury is healed.
Hard : The intense energy cooks the target’s organs, permanently reducing their Brawn by 1.
Daunting : As the attack washes over the target, their skin turns black and peels off while body fat seeps out of their clothing and armor. The target is Staggered for the remainder of the encounter, permanently reduces their Brawn and Presence by 1, and suffers 1 Wound per round until this critical injury is healed.
Death : The target is completely encased in fire, melting their skin and popping their eyes like superheated eggs. They fall to the ground a blackened corpse.
Death : As above, except in addition, if the target is carrying any ammunition, it explodes. Characters within Short range must make a Hard Coordination check or suffer an Explosive critical injury.
Easy : A blast to the arm leaves it all numb and tingly. Checks involving that arm suffer two setbacks for 1 Round.
Easy : The attack smashes into the arm, sending currents of energy crackling down to the fingers and up to the shoulder. The arm is useless for 1 Round and the target suffers 1 Strain.
Average : The attack burns the target’s arm and causes excruciating pain and Staggers them for 1 Round.
Average : The shock of the attack makes the target vomit. They suffer 5 Strain.
Average : The arm suffers superficial burns inflicting no small amount of pain. The target must make an Average Discipline check or be Immobilized for the remainder of the encounter.
Hard : The attack wreathes the arm in flame, scorching clothing and armor, and fuses the fingers together. Until this critical injury is healed, the target adds two setbacks to all checks that involve this hand.
Hard : With a terrible snapping sound, the heat of the attack boils marrow in the target’s arm, causing the bone to shatter. The target’s arm is broken and useless until this critical injury is healed. In addition, the target is Staggered with pain for 1 Round.
Daunting : Energy sears through the arm at the shoulder, causing the limb to be severed from the body. The target must make an Average Resilience check or be Staggered for 1 round. In addition, they suffer 1 Wound every round until this critical injury is healed as blood gushes from where there arm once was.
Daunting : Fire consumes the target’s arm, burning the flesh to a crisp right down to the bone. The target must make an immediate Average Resilience check or die from shock. On a success, the target is Staggered for 1 round.
Death : The attack reduces the arm to a cloud of ash and sends the target crumbling to the ground where they immediately die from shock, clutching their smoking stump.

puh ... looks like Rolemaster is back


PS: not that this bothers me.

Edited by Terefang

Brutal! I love those old Crit tables

I have a scan of the critical hit and fumbles tables from the book that this inspired me to dig out and chuckles from the good old days. "You stumble and nearly fall down in an apparent attempt to commit suicide. You are stunned 4 rounds."

Good stuff