Campaign Imperial Deployment Efficiency Analysis

By kyo55082, in Imperial Assault Campaign

I have extended my analysis to include imperial deployment efficiencies.

Complete number can be found in the spreadsheet. I think I am reasonably happy with the numbers but again, efficiency only tell one part of the story.

The only current issue I have is combining the defense and damage EF which is just a straight addition right now but personally I value defense better on imperials because it delays the rebels more and allows more attacks because your units survived longer. let me know what you think...

Notable items:

Nexu are amazing because they have autobleed and cunning to help survive.

Jet Troopers Elites are your best all around unit with the gold standard toughness plus solid single target damage that does not rely on bleed or stun

AT-DP are amazing. they are the toughest imperial and I am currently only counting 1 attack in their damage EF because of the 3 movement. if they can double attack, then they become the best single unit in the game.

0-0-0 is the only great villian because of an auto 1 damage, 1 strain, and bleed with the gold standard toughness.

rebels overall have very good defense EF but very low damage EF. overall, I still do not think rebel allies are not worth much because it extends the rounds by adding more activation which reduces the rebel first activation advantage.

Deployment Defense EF Damage EF IEF Deployment Defense EF Damage EF IEF Deployment Defense EF Damage EF REF
Nexu 4.29 4.06 8.35 0-0-0 5.00 3.80 8.80 Wookie Warrior 6.88 1.94 8.81
Jet Trooper E 5.00 2.85 7.85 Jabba the Hutt 4.17 2.92 7.08 Echo Trooper E 6.67 1.56 8.23
Royal Guard 5.00 2.77 7.77 Maul 4.29 2.77 7.05 C-3PO 5.71 1.91 7.62
Tusken Raider E 5.00 2.50 7.50 Captain Terro 4.64 2.26 6.90 Wookie Warrior E 5.91 1.41 7.32
Royal Guard E 5.56 1.85 7.40 BT-1 4.17 2.57 6.74 R2-D2 6.00 1.25 7.25
AT-DP 5.93 1.34 7.27 Darth Vader 4.85 1.57 6.42 Hera Syndulla 4.38 2.71 7.08
Gamorrean E 5.08 2.19 7.27 Emperor Palp 4.06 2.19 6.25 C1-10P 4.17 2.50 6.67
Tran Hunter E 4.00 3.00 7.00 Bossk 4.17 1.93 6.09 Rebel Saboteur 4.00 2.33 6.33
Riot Troopers E 5.00 2.20 7.20 Royal Champion 3.71 2.28 5.99 Rebel Saboteur E 4.29 2.02 6.31
Riot Troopers 5.00 2.17 7.17 Agent Blaise 3.33 2.50 5.83 Echo Trooper 4.17 2.08 6.25
Sentry Droid E 4.00 3.17 7.17 Greedo 1.88 3.75 5.63 Rebel Trooper 3.75 2.50 6.25
Tran Hunter 4.29 2.86 7.14 Grand Inquisitor 4.17 1.44 5.60 Rebel Trooper E 4.17 2.08 6.25
Jawa Scavenger 3.75 3.33 7.08 Dengar 2.86 2.74 5.60 Alliance Ranger E 4.38 1.80 6.18
Jet Trooper 5.00 1.87 6.87 Boba Fett 4.62 0.83 5.45 Ally Smuggler 3.75 2.29 6.04
Jawa Scavenger E 4.17 2.64 6.81 General Weiss 4.02 0.76 4.77 Alliance Ranger 4.17 1.57 5.74
Heavy Trooper 5.00 1.81 6.81 IG-88 2.78 1.54 4.32 Ahsoka Tano 3.75 1.72 5.47
Storm Troopers E 4.17 2.61 6.78 Kayn Somos 3.00 1.29 4.29 Obi-Wan Kenobi 4.00 1.29 5.29
Gamorrean 5.10 1.67 6.77 General Sorin 2.19 1.22 3.41 Lando 3.81 1.39 5.20
Sentry Droid 4.17 2.50 6.67 Chewbacca 4.00 0.81 4.81
Heavy Trooper E 5.00 1.63 6.63 Luke Skywalker 3.56 1.11 4.67
Nexu E 3.81 2.85 6.66 Leia Organa 2.67 1.93 4.59
Hired Gun 3.21 3.44 6.65 Ally Smuggler E 3.13 1.15 4.27
Probe Droid 4.17 2.48 6.64 Han Solo 2.86 0.94 3.79
Weequay E 4.29 2.32 6.61
Wampa 4.50 2.00 6.50
Tusken Raider 4.00 2.50 6.50
Rancor 5.00 1.48 6.48
Wing Guard E 4.17 2.22 6.38
ISB Infiltrator E 4.29 2.08 6.37
Weequay 4.00 2.25 6.25
ISB Infiltrator 4.00 2.08 6.08
Dewback Rider 4.17 1.92 6.08
Storm Troopers 3.75 2.29 6.04
Probe Droid E 3.50 2.49 5.99
Hired Gun E 3.64 2.29 5.93
Snow Trooper 4.29 1.60 5.89
Snow Trooper E 4.50 1.23 5.73
HK Droid 3.13 2.43 5.56
AT-ST 4.59 0.86 5.45
Imperial Officer 4.06 1.36 5.43
Ugnaught 3.33 2.08 5.42
Wing Guard 3.75 1.87 5.62
Wampa E 3.75 1.56 5.31
Bantha Rider 4.12 0.88 5.00
E-Web Engineer 2.08 2.79 4.88
SC2-M Tank 3.33 1.44 4.77
Ugnaught E 3.50 1.25 4.75
E-Web Engineer E 1.88 2.72 4.60
HK Droid E 2.73 1.82 4.55
Imperial Officer E 2.63 0.75 3.38

Next project will be adding agendas and imperial class decks.

Edited by kyo55082