Painted up Darth Vader

By Lord Ashram, in Painting


I got him all based up and painted! Overall I think he worked out well, although I am not sold on the gloss on the armored pieces... thoughts?


Thanks all!

Nice one! I kind of like the contrast also with such a beautiful and colorful base for such a sinister model! Kind of like seeing the devil in Eden!

I agree with the gloss, although im chronically against anything shiny on models so my opinion might not matter at all in that regard :D Perhaps it could have been applied only to edges or something, I dont know these kind of things. In general I find shine often gives a model a cheap toyish appearance.

But aside from that I really like it, nice subtle highlighting and again, the contrast with the base is perfect!

I like the gloss on him, makes a good contrast in all the black. But its very hard to photograph and get a decent picture.

That Vader is going to get sniped from across the map!

6 minutes ago, migs6000 said:

That Vader is going to get sniped from across the map!

You think Vader cares about snipers!? The only thing differentiating snipers from the regular rebels is that they will have to watch their friends die before being killed themselves! :lol:

I'm so jealous of your work. It's beautiful.

I am guessing that's full gloss vs semi gloss?

That is indeed full gloss... it’s actually gloss nail polish. It was all I had I the house:)

Thank you for the kind words! Yeah... still thinking about the gloss. More I see it, the more I actually end up liking it...

I like the gloss actually... I did the same with mine.

Love the look and the base, keep it up!!!