Shield of Margath+Unnatural Growth

By Church14, in Runewars Rules Questions

Let’s say I’m jealous of Hawthorne and stuck Shield of Margath and Unnatural Growth from Kethra on Ravos. On turns when I don’t armor up, both effects are two damage back at a melee attacker.

My impression is that these shouldn’t stack. I feel like I’ve read something in RRG about finishing one effect before starting another and this isn’t stacking a Keyword. I’m looking to see what the general community’s interpretation is.

Edited by Church14

I think it would be 2 damage, 2 damage, not 4 damage, as each requires a trigger and is not a damage pool generating instance. I’m fuzzy on the wording of unnatural growth though.

Yeah, that was one of the combos I looked at when Unnatural Growths was revealed, but I came to the same conclusion. It could still be good, depending on what's attacking you, but it will never be Hawthorns-good.