Painted up some Rebels...

By Lord Ashram, in Painting

The head swap on the leader looks nice... is that a scarf?

Curious as to the rock/height change.

Nice painting. Like that you got creative with the scheme.

Edited by Sephlar

Great conversions. The scarf gives the Duros a nice veteran look - a truly commanding presence!

Hey guys!

It is indeed a scarf! The greenstuff work around the neck was a bit rough, so I wanted to cover it up, and scarf felt oddly cool:)

Yeah, I tried to do something different with the camo. I had recently done some pea dot with a WW2 figure, so wondered how it would look for a large group. Honestly I think it turned out very sharp!

As for the in-game issues with the basing... I'm never going to play competitively, so I figured I wanted to enjoy the process more than anything:)

Edited by Lord Ashram

BTW, is the guy on the far right in the bottom photo noticeable as different? Did him as some red skinned alien, but not sure it worked out.

Wow that's some excellent work!

One more, so the bushes are more easily seen.


The Duros leader looks perfect.

Red guy... looks off. Maybe if he wasn't gloved and his hands were red too, it would read better. But for now it doesn't look right. To me at least.

These are great, over-all!

Very nice, the scarf for the Duros leader is a great touch.

Great work on your miniatures. Your head swap and scarf as stated over and over again look great.

Is it just me or did you manage to make your leader Duros looks more intense than the rebel squad Duros?

I myself am researching which WotC minis had over-sized heads so I can get a Bith, an Ithorian and a Mon Calamari in my squad. Looking for an all Alien squad.

I like in your first picture even though it is war time your female rebel still decided a little make-up goes a long way. ;)

Edited by C3POFETT

Did you sculpt the Duros leader’s head?