Luke Skywalker [160]
Battle Meditation [10]
Rebel Troopers [40]
Z-6 Trooper [22]
Rebel Troopers [40]
MPL-57 Ion Trooper [32]
Rebel Trooper [10]
Impact Grenades [5]
Rebel Troopers [40]
Rebel Troopers [40]
Rebel Troopers [40]
T-47 Airspeeder [175]
Wedge Antilles [5]
MoDk Power Harpoon [8]
AT-RT [55]
AT-RT Laser Cannon [35]
AT-RT [55]
AT-RT Flame Thrower [25]
I'd have liked another trooper on the Z6 unit but didn't want to compromise the other units