I’m tempted to copy this scheme for my own veterans. I love the idea of Hoth troopers but on both the radar laser canon and the tauntauns I’ve found them a pain in the neck to paint...
Permit Painting (R2-D2, C-3PO and Operative Luke)
From this....
To this in 3:45
First squad of shinies done.
On 10/21/2019 at 9:19 AM, BigBadAndy said:I’m tempted to copy this scheme for my own veterans. I love the idea of Hoth troopers but on both the radar laser canon and the tauntauns I’ve found them a pain in the neck to paint...
So, it's Skragg Brown for the brown bits, 4:1 White:Screaming Skull for the cloth white bits. Dead White (vallejo game color) for the leather/plastic bits
Brown is washed in agrax earthshade
White is washed in 5:3 Medium:Nuln Oil
The blue guns for the troopers were Kantor blue washed with drakkenhof nightshade
Brown: Mix XV-88 into the skragg brown for increasing highlights
White Cloth: Add more white into your White/Screaming skull mix
White Plastic and Leather: Highlight with White and Dead White.
Edited by Zrob314More clones
The clones look fantastic. How did you get the shading right? I've tried a few different methods on storms, and I'm tempted to give contrast paint a go, but I've always struggled getting the shading right on white armor.
2 hours ago, Dcalov said:The clones look fantastic. How did you get the shading right? I've tried a few different methods on storms, and I'm tempted to give contrast paint a go, but I've always struggled getting the shading right on white armor.
A 50/50 mix of lahmian medium and nuln oil works a treat (after MANY imperial assault stormie paints)
19 hours ago, Dcalov said:The clones look fantastic. How did you get the shading right? I've tried a few different methods on storms, and I'm tempted to give contrast paint a go, but I've always struggled getting the shading right on white armor.
It's the shade noted above for the shell and black contrast paint for the bodysuit.
Watch this
The only thing worse than clankers is the bugs that make them.
Geonosis Hotel
Life Day Ball
22 BBY
That's a lot of clones! They look great. Am I right in thinking that they're more posable than previous releases?
On 11/16/2019 at 2:16 PM, Achinadav said:That's a lot of clones! They look great. Am I right in thinking that they're more posable than previous releases?
Sort of. The peg and slot for the arms and head is a generic cylinder. SO I mixed a lot of the basic parts up and some of them I posed by soaking in hot water then shaping. 5 of them maybe are looking up, and little things like that. I think I have two that look alike but I really did try to make each one unique.
Fun with Dewbacks
Edited by Zrob3146 hours ago, OuterPop said:Cpl. Jack there in the middle is looking backwards. He needs to be...corrected.
Captain Jack in the middle is relaying his orders to the guys behind him because it's easier to hear when the speaker is facing you.
Oh - I was just kidding. I meant "corrected" in the way that Lloyd the bartender might have suggested
Great reference!
Totally forgot to post this
I love the cut off hand! The painting on the cut looks great.
Fine, social distancing it is then
Finished R2-D2, C-3PO and Operative Luke.
Here's a comparison with my IA C-3PO from 2017