Elemental Cycle & Scorpion Pack Spoilers

By Tonbo Karasu, in Legend of the Five Rings: The Card Game

39 minutes ago, Swordbreaker said:

I generally like the quality of the art, but what is that image in Invocation of Ash supposed to be, other than that person vaguely gesturing at a bridge? I see a shadowy/smokey bit in the top corner, but nothing that illustrates what the card actually represents.

The bracelet on her hand is a magic item, like Talisman, that she is using to turn the bridge to ash.

6 minutes ago, Ishi Tonu said:

Master of Swift Waters x3.

Master of SW with Force of the river attached.

Oh, now I can change one of these 1/- with a good character. How about bringing Shono to conflict and gain +4 MIL?

Or just Unleash the Djinn and have all those small 1/- become 3/3...

I want to like Unleash the Djinn, but losing 3 honor is a pretty steep price for what is essentially parity. Wonder how much it costs to splash though. Lion might be interested.

Having swarm tactics seems like a good step in making all of these movement shenanigans worthwhile. With enough bodies, the combat math can become non-trivial, and you can also start using the Outpost stronghold to move more bodies in on an as-needed basis, so you never have to overcommit. Just need the right levels of granularity.

Not really keen on the dishonor sub-theme going on with the Unicorn, though. I always felt like while they were less honorable in the eyes of the other clans, they themselves were pretty honorable. This weird meishodo tax doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me when the story choice was to have meishodo integrated into the Empire. But I am happy to see more shugenja in Unicorn. Their Force of the River is pretty great.

1 minute ago, AradonTemplar said:

Not really keen on the dishonor sub-theme going on with the Unicorn, though. I always felt like while they were less honorable in the eyes of the other clans, they themselves were pretty honorable. This weird meishodo tax doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me when the story choice was to have meishodo integrated into the Empire. But I am happy to see more shugenja in Unicorn. Their Force of the River is pretty great.

That it has been intergrated does not mean it has been accepted beyond doubt and suspicion.

1 minute ago, Saibot said:

That it has been intergrated does not mean it has been accepted beyond doubt and suspici  on.

Surely people don't question the wisdom of the Emperor!

(pls ignore my phoenix avatar)

I like the look of these new Unicorn cards, won't make an immediate difference, but I can see light at the end of your purple horsey tunnel.

I think that the first post now contains all of the Unicorn cards that have been seen.


That seems... exceptionally bad. For when you really, really want to hammer Air I guess.

Crane dishonour, boom.

It plays in nicely with the new mantis shug spoiled. Also, it pulls it from ANY claimed ring pool, meaning you can take it out of your opponent's pool, allowing you to rig the favor contest more in your favor that it usually would be for phoenix. Plus it could potentially help with honor rocket attempts, t1: buy dude, bit 1, way of the chrysanthemum net possibly 8 honor, opponent attacks air, display of power to take it and net 1 honor overall, attack, kami unleashed and win conflict net 4 more, and if you managed to honor anybody that turn by the end of turn that's gg (11+8+1+4+1=25).

When you consider you can resolve Winds of Change 6 times and take the Air ring out of the claimed ring pool (including your opponent)

I'd say the card is at least worth the look for a heavy honor/dishonor deck. It's going to deny your opponent a point when it comes to determining Imperial Favor

Except you can't use the Phoenix stronghold with it, as it's Air Role only...Else that might actually be worth considering

Well, right now it could be decent for crane to splash in, but it could also be incentive for phoenix to go for an air role in the near future (as a dragon I hope they don't because the fewer people who get access to the air only province from imperial cycle the better).

It's likely that we'll go for Seeker of Void again tbh, although I wouldn't mind going for an Air role if it let me use this card 6 times. It'd mean I could actually build a dedicated Air deck

Honestly, since I've been considering building a phoenix deck for funsies as a secondary, I'd want to be able to use this in an attempt at an honor rocket, but outside of honor/dishonor I can see that this one in and of itself doesn't justify the role choice, and the honor rocket build just isn't there yet even with this anyhow.

Well Kudaka blows my Mantis theory out of the water, I've updated what we know in the top post.

My Phoenix Dishonour deck would have been quite happy to have Winds of Change. It's annoying that it's an Air role card, though.

4 minutes ago, Tonbo Karasu said:

Well Kudaka blows my Mantis theory out of the water, I've updated what we know in the top post.

My Phoenix Dishonour deck would have been quite happy to have Winds of Change. It's annoying that it's an Air role card, though.

It would be fine, run it and Know the World, to run excess Air conflicts and flip out for the rings you want to trigger character abilities that don't require claiming the ring. You can turn on Uona with it which is also useful, and with the new Mantis Air Shuggie you can be running a card/fate advantage off it as well.

48 minutes ago, retrodaniel said:

Except you can't use the Phoenix stronghold with it, as it's Air Role only...Else that might actually be worth considering

not yet. I'd be surprised if Phoenix didn't get a shot at an air role after this year's WC

But that card is actually very good for multiplayer, tho.

“Oh, you were just one ring away from winning by Enlightenment? Now, now, just let me take your air ring from that province there...”

15 hours ago, Tabris2k said:

But that card is actually very good for multiplayer, tho.

“Oh, you were just one ring away from winning by Enlightenment? Now, now, just let me take your air ring from that province there...”

Does it do anything in multiplayer? I thought that when something references the rings it only references yours unless it specifically calls out an opponent's ring.

11 minutes ago, GoblinGuide said:

Does it do anything in multiplayer? I thought that when something references the rings it only references yours unless it specifically calls out an opponent's ring.

In this case, it says “from a claimed ring pool”, so I understand it applies to every claimed ring pool. But I can be wrong.

I imagine it'll either only affect your pool or wind up on the ban list for multiplayer, like display of power.

So looking over the BotK list, I noticed we're missing #16 between Mirror's Gaze and Hurricane Punch. Crane already has 2 confirmed cards in this pack. You think Dragon's getting another 0 cost conflict card? Or will Crane maybe get a 3rd card in this pack with a 2+ cost conflict card?

Excuse me copying my own post from another thread:

I'll put an extract from my worksheet below. The parts in red are pure speculation, whilst those in black are things that we have seen, or can be inferred from things we have read.

1 Hisu Mori Toride Y Lion Stronghold
2 Province
3 Demonstrating Excellence Neutral Province
4 Crab Dynasty
5 Crab Dynasty
6 Fu Sui Disciple Crane Dynasty
7 Dragon Dynasty
8 Lion Dynasty
9 Isawa Uona Y Phoenix Dynasty
10 Scorpion Dynasty
11 Shinjo Shono Y Unicorn Dynasty
12 Shiotome Encampment Unicorn Dynasty
13 Kudaka Y Neutral Dynasty
14 Neutral Dynasty
15 The Mirror's Gaze Crane Conflict
16 Conflict
17 Hurricane Punch Dragon Conflict
18 Lion Conflict
19 Winds of Change Phoenix Conflict
20 Scorpion Conflict

As you can see, Lion Dynasty slots in perfectly with Dragon between the known Crane (6) and Phoenix (9) personalities, while Lion Conflict goes between 17 and 19. I reckon 14 is probably a neutral Holding. Maybe a Shrine to Kami-no-kaze?

I'm going to go out on a limb here and suggest that 16 is the Dragon Ancestral Sword. (It can't be the Crane Sword, because Shukujo comes before The Mirror's Gaze, and I doubt they'd make a 'set' of ancestral weapons with different costs.)