Being a first match I’d like to try a bit of everything, what do you guys think:
++ Standard (Galactic Empire) [800 Points] ++
+ Commander +
•Darth Vader [220 Points]: Force Choke, Force Reflexes
+ Corps +
Stormtroopers [44 Points]
Stormtroopers [78 Points]: HH-12 Stormtrooper
Stormtroopers [68 Points]: DLT-19 Stormtrooper
+ Support +
74-Z Speeder Bikes [90 Points]
74-Z Speeder Bikes [90 Points]
+ Heavy +
AT-ST [210 Points]: DW-3 Concussion Grenade Launcher
+ Command Hand +
Command Hand: •Ambush, •Implacable, ••New Ways to Motivate Them, ••Push, •••Assault, •••Master of Evil, ••••Standing Orders
++ Total: [800 Points] ++
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