I played with a group recently and the topic came up about weapon trading. No one could find anything in the official rule book about this and we collectively made a decision that you can trade weapons among players by being adjacent and spending a movement point to do so.
The invader fragged the marine who was going to trade his next turn and then he forgot about the trade as their strategy changed so we never got to actually execute it and see how it changed the dynamic of the game.
After thinking more about this more I feel like there would need to be contingency rules involved in trading like:
1) all weapon set cards need to be in the action deck or hand
2) one movement needs to be spent to find all the action cards of that weapon set - then re-shuffle the action deck
3) one movement spent to trade to an adjacent player
4) receiving player shuffles received cards and places them on the top of his action deck (or shuffle into the deck?)
Is there any official rules on trading?
Edited by cypher0117