Noob, 100%

By Cornwolf, in Army Building

So could someone please point me in the direction of guidelines for building an army please? I have never done this before and would be great to read that each unit costs X and I am reading 800 is the competitive number to aim for but thats all I know so far.


The Learn To Play booklet and Rules Reference Guide has an entire section dedicated to army building. Each unit and upgrade has a different cost though. The only requirements for an army is at least 1 commander and 3 corps units.

10 minutes ago, Patteous said:

The Learn To Play booklet and Rules Reference Guide has an entire section dedicated to army building. Each unit and upgrade has a different cost though. The only requirements for an army is at least 1 commander and 3 corps units.

Ah cool, is that what's in the box or the PDF? I haven't looked into it that much yet been busy building and painting :)

4 minutes ago, Cornwolf said:

Ah cool, is that what's in the box or the PDF? I haven't looked into it that much yet been busy building and painting :)

The Learn To Play comes in the box and also is online. The RRG is only online.