Simple question: Does anyone have a list of generic NPCs available for the 5E beta?
5Ed NPCs
TL;DR: no, what are you looking for?
I don’t. I’m guessing others don’t, either. The beta book has some stuff in the back for building NPCs. I was able to whip up some NPCs pretty quickly using that, when I actually needed a full stat block.
I find I don’t need one for most NPCs, since the book does a good job describing what different ring and skill ranks represent. Usually I only pull out a full NPC stat block for a full encounter.
My biggest hurdle for beta NPCs is variety of techniques, since they work differently for NPCs and PCs. Don’t have a great solution for that yet.
What kind of stuff are you looking for that you don’t see in the beta materials?
Edited by sidescrollerRounding error
If you are looking for something like Blood and Steel then I can throw a doc together just gimme some time
Some of the stats turned out to be kinda weird, like the Geisha who is almost twice as tough as the Crane Bushi, but hey, what gives
Also, Google Doc screwed up the editing, sorry for that. Shrameful dispray!
Edited by AtoMaki