Heads for Conversion and Mods ... What Works?

By Dash Two, in Painting

I have seen photos on the FB feed for different conversions with different heads. I do not play IA nor did I ever have WOTC minis.

Anyone keeping track of what heads from, say, IA will work for Legion?

Or has anyone found a generic head or head that have worked? I have a few from Mad Robot and tad too tiny for my liking.

The Rebel Storm set, the first set of Star Wars Miniatures produced by WotC, have some pretty decent heads available for use, namely Mon Cal, Ithorian and Twi'Lek.

Clone Strike, the second set, has usable Ishi'Tib, Gran, Nikto and Rodian heads, IIRC.

Edited by kurttkrueger

@kurttkrueger thank you

I've been looking at Statuesque conversion heads, especially their Heroic Scale line. Agis Neugebauer did some over here ; the one looks just slightly small but usable with care. All of Statuesque's heads are female, though.

Imperial Guard heads from 40K may work, too. There's a whole cottage industry related to 40K head-swaps, especially with Guard. Pig Iron produces some nice ones with various helmets and gas masks. Victoria Lamb has some fantastic versions, of which I'm particularly fond of her Highlanders and ANZACs.

A lot of of the 40k and WotC heads are going to be a little small for the scale.

Appreciate the comments

I have seen the Bossk and Rodian heads used, which I am assuming are the IA models all chopped up.

Anyone tried that?

I just got these dudes converted up from Gadzooks gaming headswaps... Libre mon cala!


I thought I saw some u could 3d print somewhere but cant find em anymore.

The Mon Cal heads look great, but the lack of Mon Cal arms for conversion means they just don't work for me.

4 hours ago, phi3927 said:

I just got these dudes converted up from Gadzooks gaming headswaps... Libre mon cala!

You've even created your own

Pike Landwalker!

I don't know what I like more: the Mon Cala heads or the fact that Gadzooks advertises themselves as the "Oatmeal Raisin Cookie of Tabletop Gaming"