Crazy Resolving Question

By UttiniDKilrJawa, in Star Wars: Destiny

Just started playing Destiny this weekend with the wee minion and so far we really enjoy it. It took us two games to get a good grasp of Destiny using the 2 player set. After playing the second game we were wondering about the Resolve Dice action. Basically, we were wondering do dice HAVE to be resolved or not? If they don’t, then what happens to them at the end of the turn.

Appreciate any help with this question.

Resolve dice is almost always a may option. Some card effects will require you to resolve, but the basic Resolve Dice action allows you to resolve one or more of your dice showing the same symbol. So long as you resolve one dice, you do not need to resolve all of your dice showing the same symbol. You could do this to save some for later in the turn, or maybe you're holding a card that needs to have that symbol in your pool to use (like Guard and melee dice).

At the end of the turn, during the Maintenance phase, any dice still in the pool get returned to their cards.