So I’ve been sick and lazy and didn’t write anything up yet. In a nutshell, 5 players, 2 rounds. Since I’m not big on posting players actual names, I’ll use stand ins
Round 1 : I faced LatariMan. The deployment was Careful Approach and the Objective was bounty. We both had a similar thought for our bounty units. He chose his 2x1 Deepwoods and I chose my 2x1 Berserker “archers.” I put two pieces of terrain along the long edge of his deployment and he put one on the corner of mine.
He played his elves considerably more aggressively than I’m used to. Maegan, his Leonx, and Aliana all followed an East by SouthEast push while his 2x1 Scions filled a gap between the two terrain south of his deployment. His archers stayed back a little as a quick response unit. Ravos and my two Rippers went west to meet the scions and archers. The berserkers and Threshers went to meet his main force.
On turn 2 I forgot about his Raven Tabards. He rushed my berserkers with his Leonx and prevented the charge I was planning. In a bit of luck for me, the particular arrangement of trays after that charge blocked LOS for Maegan and stopped her shooting. Which is particularly good since my threshers and Fire Rune Berserkers all smashed into the back of my big berserker group. On the southern flank, Rippers tore across the map and jumped into the easternmost terrain. Ravos charged the scions and killed one. The other Rippers just positioned themselves for a later turn.
Turn 3 had Aliana and the Leonx smash my 6 tray berserkers into dust. My threshers charged over my berserkers corpses to finish the Leonx and badly wound Aliana. My Fire Rune Berserkers fled rather than risk Maegan triggering. Maegan tried to move to get range and LOS, but caught on terrain. Ravos killed the last scion and the Rippers jumped the archers from terrain.
The rest of the match was cleanup. Maegan took shots at Ravos while he cleared banes and then he charged and murdered her. My threshers ran down the solo scion which had been acting as a tiny archer unit all game.
Final: 275-50. So a 10-1 with 200 MOV. On the other table DaqanMan took a 9-1 win over WaiqarDude. WaiqarMan had a bye.
Standings: Church (10), DaqanMan (9), WaiqarMan (8), dcgoose86 (2), LatariMan (1)
Round 2: dcgoos86 dropped. I played DaqanMan. So I’ve never faced a KariThorn list and I now see why people would have such a rough time against it. The damage output is bonkers. So deployment was Standoff with Supply Raid. He deployed in a long battle line. From left to right, Cav, Hawthorne, Archers, Cav, and Kari far on the right. I deployed a Rippers opposite Kari, Ravos at an angle on the right flank of the main fight, and the rest of my army across from the Cav and Hawthorne.
On turn 1, DaqanMan has initiative and move all his units cautiously except for his Western Cavalry. He had tried a late init7 charge to see if he could catch me by surprise. My berserkers had chosen a shift/skill at init7. So his charge missed and my counter charge got a flank. I killed 2 of the trays of Oathsworne. Ravos used his Insatiable Hunger move to get into contact with the other cavalry.
Turn 2 saw the western Cav kill 2berserkers, the berserkers kill those Cav. Hawthorne flank charged those berserkers. The Deepwoods wound a Thresher baldly nut Fire Rune was a bust. My threshers tried to rush the archers but missed by a millimeter. Ravos attacked first and killed enough Oathsworn to drop them to one tray.
Turn 3 was the berserkers reforming to fight Hawthorne. One thresher lined up for a flank charge on Hawthorne. Ravos spent the turn lining up on archers. His archers killed a Thresher and my 2x1 berserkers.
Turn 4-8 was me spending a lot of time stumbling to the finish after wiping his cavalry for very little loss. Hawthorne killed the Thresher and the berserkers. Ravos wiped out the archers and then managed to kill Hawthorne on turn 8. Kari eventually won the fight on the eastern flank. My other Rippers just collected tokens.
Final score 199-133. 66MOV for a 7-4. In the other table, LatariMan won a very strange game by tokens and around 100 MOV. Very little actually died.
EDIT: He and I talked about Ravos eating Hawthorne at the end of round 8. The only reason I managed that was because Hawthorne turned to fight had he not reformed Hawthorne to fight and just ran away, there was no way for me to catch him. Hawthorne and the Supply token on Hawthorne would have been safe and I would have won by only 2 MOV. It was a really close match
Final Standings:
Church (17)
WaiqarMan (11)
LatariMan (9)
dcgoose86 would have had 10 had he not dropped.
Lists (why you actually clicked here):
Berserkers [37] 3x2
Bloodfire Witch [5]
Warsprinter [3]
Aggressive Shrieker [5]
Total Unit Cost: 50
Berserkers [16] 2x1
Fire Rune [7]
Total Unit Cost: 23
Flesh Rippers [22] 2x1
Total Unit Cost: 22
Flesh Rippers [22] 2x1
Total Unit Cost: 22
Ravos the Everhungry [40] 1x1
Reaping Blade [4]
Insatiable Hunger [3]
Total Unit Cost: 47
Spined Threshers [18] 1x1
Total Unit Cost: 18
Spined Threshers [18] 1x1
Total Unit Cost: 18
Oathsworn Cavalry [34] 2x2
Rank Discipline [4]
Total Unit Cost: 38
Oathsworn Cavalry [34] 2x2
Rank Discipline [4]
Total Unit Cost: 38
Kari Wraithstalker [32] 1x1
Reaping Blade [4]
Latari Training [6]
Total Unit Cost: 42
Deepwood Archers [30] 2x2
Fire Rune [7]
Total Unit Cost: 37
Lord Hawthorne [34] 1x1
Shield of Margath [6]
Might of Daqan [4]
Total Unit Cost: 44
LatariMan: *** this is only about 179/200. I didnt get his list to know all the upgrades.
Aliana of Summersong [33] 1x1
Packleaders Spear [8]
Ambush Predator [3]
Total Unit Cost: 44
Maegan Cyndewin [36] 1x1
Martial Magic [3]
Total Unit Cost: 39
Aymhelin Scions [25] 2x1
Fertile Soil [5]
Total Unit Cost: 30
Aymhelin Scions [14] 1x1
Vicious Roots [3]
Total Unit Cost: 17
Deepwood Archers [17] 2x1
Total Unit Cost: 17
Leonx Riders [30] 2x2
Raven Tabards [2]
Total Unit Cost: 32
Carrion Lancers [15] 1x1
Total Unit Cost: 15
Death Knights [24] 2x1
Reaping Blade [4]
Total Unit Cost: 28
Reanimates [35] 3x2
Raven-Standard Bearer [3]
Total Unit Cost: 38
Ankaur Maro [40] 1x1
Violent Forces [6]
Total Unit Cost: 46
Ardus IxErebus [37] 1x1
Shield of Margath [6]
Ardus Fury [1]
Total Unit Cost: 44
Carrion Lancers [27] 2x1
Simultaneous Orders [2]
Total Unit Cost: 29
Reanimate Archers [18] 2x1
Combat Ingenuity [6]
Total Unit Cost: 24
Reanimate Archers [45] 3x2
Wind Rune [6]
Raven-Standard Bearer [3]
Close Quarters Targeting [3]
Total Unit Cost: 57
Carrion Lancers [15] 1x1
Total Unit Cost: 15
Carrion Lancers [46] 2x2
Master-Crafted Weapons [4]
Close Quarters Targeting [3]
Total Unit Cost: 53
Death Knights [42] 2x2
Obcasiums Gauntlet [5]
Total Unit Cost: 47
Typos and corrections.