Haven't played...theory crafting

By ryanabt, in Army Building

I like fast and maneuverable armies and I like units that are to accomplish specific jobs and work together in the army. Would appreciate people giving me advice on how to play this list and what its strengths/weaknesses are.

General Veers 90

Esteemed Leader, Commanding Presence,
Stormtroopers 44
HH-12 Stormtrooper, Stormtrooper, Targeting Scopes,
Stormtroopers 44
HH-12 Stormtrooper, Stormtrooper, Targeting Scopes,
Stormtroopers 44
Stormtrooper, Grappling Hooks, Impact Grenades,
Stormtroopers 44
Stormtrooper, Grappling Hooks, Impact Grenades,
Stormtroopers 44
Stormtrooper, Grappling Hooks, Impact Grenades,
74-Z Speeder Bikes 90
Comms Jammer,
74-Z Speeder Bikes 90
Comms Jammer,
74-Z Speeder Bikes 90
Comms Jammer,

Maximum Firepower, Ambush, Push, Push, Assault, Assault, Standing Orders

What am I going to struggle with?

1 hour ago, ryanabt said:

I like fast and maneuverable armies and I like units that are to accomplish specific jobs and work together in the army. Would appreciate people giving me advice on how to play this list and what its strengths/weaknesses are.

General Veers 90

Esteemed Leader, Commanding Presence,
Stormtroopers 44
HH-12 Stormtrooper, Stormtrooper, Targeting Scopes,
Stormtroopers 44
HH-12 Stormtrooper, Stormtrooper, Targeting Scopes,
Stormtroopers 44
Stormtrooper, Grappling Hooks, Impact Grenades,
Stormtroopers 44
Stormtrooper, Grappling Hooks, Impact Grenades,
Stormtroopers 44
Stormtrooper, Grappling Hooks, Impact Grenades,
74-Z Speeder Bikes 90
Comms Jammer,
74-Z Speeder Bikes 90
Comms Jammer,
74-Z Speeder Bikes 90
Comms Jammer,

Maximum Firepower, Ambush, Push, Push, Assault, Assault, Standing Orders

What am I going to struggle with?

Command cards are unique you need different 1 pips, 2 pips, etc.

As part of the army building process, a player
chooses a hand of six command cards. The hand
must include two 1-pip cards, two 2-pip cards,
and two 3-pip cards and may include only one
copy of each command card. To include a unique
character’s command cards, such as Darth
Vader, the army must include that character.
A card unique to a character has the
character’s name under the title bar. After
a player has chosen six command cards, the “Standing
Orders” command card is added to create a hand of seven
command cards
4 hours ago, Oberron said:

Command cards are unique you need different 1 pips, 2 pips, etc.

As we don't know Veers' Command Cards yet, I believe these are placeholders ;)

As for the above army, if you like your stuff fast and mobile, consider dropping some HH-12 for DLT's. The rocket launchers are cool and all, but they're cumbersome and a unit using them is usually turn-1-running-into-position, then just sits there. Also, with native Precise 1 stormtroopers don't really need that targeting scopes. Next, grappling hooks are extremely terrain-dependent and you should include them if you expect lots of climbable terrain on your tables.

Overall, not knowing what Veers' cards are I would recommend dropping a few upgrades and consider a 6th unit of either stormtroopers or snowtroopers. Yeah, I know Snowies are technically slower than Stormies, but when suppression tokens start flying around, Snowies actually becomes more mobile, since they can run and attack even when suppressed.

15 hours ago, ryanabt said:

I like fast and maneuverable armies and I like units that are to accomplish specific jobs and work together in the army. Would appreciate people giving me advice on how to play this list and what its strengths/weaknesses are.

General Veers 90

Esteemed Leader, Commanding Presence,
Stormtroopers 44
HH-12 Stormtrooper, Stormtrooper, Targeting Scopes,
Stormtroopers 44
HH-12 Stormtrooper, Stormtrooper, Targeting Scopes,
Stormtroopers 44
Stormtrooper, Grappling Hooks, Impact Grenades,
Stormtroopers 44
Stormtrooper, Grappling Hooks, Impact Grenades,
Stormtroopers 44
Stormtrooper, Grappling Hooks, Impact Grenades,
74-Z Speeder Bikes 90
Comms Jammer,
74-Z Speeder Bikes 90
Comms Jammer,
74-Z Speeder Bikes 90
Comms Jammer,

Maximum Firepower, Ambush, Push, Push, Assault, Assault, Standing Orders

What am I going to struggle with?

The above comment gives good advice, but here are some more tips.

1) Drop the upgrades on Veers. Once you play a few games, you will notice that these upgrades are unnecessary with proper positioning.

2) I don't like Targeting Scopes right now, but I think Veers might make them more useful since he gives 2 aim tokens a turn.

3) The only reason to run Stormtrooper squads over Snowtroopers is that Stormtroopers have better special weapons. Snowtroopers will probably just be the "go-to". Since they can move + move + shoot. Which is quicker than the Stormtroopers move + shoot, you save 4 points a squad, and you get more flexibility. The DLT-19 is amazing on stormtroopers. It gives you a further range and a bit of AV.

4) I wouldn't bother with impact grenades since your list will have a lot of AV already. You have Veers orbital strike, 3 Speeder Bikes, 3 DLT-19, and 2 Rockets. That should easily be enough.


Cut upgrades on Veers, Comms Jammers on the speeder bikes, and Impact grenades. Use these points to get DLT-19s OR change these 3 squads to Snowtrooper squads. I would probably go with a build like this:


And you still have 136 points to spend. You can spend these points to get extra models for your regular squads, Heavy weapons on the Snowtroopers, and maybe get an additional Snowtrooper squad.


Edited by jbiondo

Thanks for the comments. I have a couple questions.

Does stacking precise not give two extra rerolls?
What is the benefit of DLT-19 over the Rockets if I plan to use two stormtrooper units to move into position turn one and then get aims from Veers while taking on armor?

Wouldn't Jammers allow the bikes to have a better chance of shooting first and zooming away since their target getting to select its turn to go would be less common?

55 minutes ago, ryanabt said:

Thanks for the comments. I have a couple questions.

Does stacking precise not give two extra rerolls?
What is the benefit of DLT-19 over the Rockets if I plan to use two stormtrooper units to move into position turn one and then get aims from Veers while taking on armor?

Wouldn't Jammers allow the bikes to have a better chance of shooting first and zooming away since their target getting to select its turn to go would be less common?

Technically keywords only stack if they are weapon keywords. Precise is a Unit keyword and the rulebook doesn't mention anything about these stacking. I do believe that these will stack with the new FAQ. Why would they give General Weis an ability that doesn't stack with the AT-ST? It just doesn't make sense...

The biggest difference between the HH-12 and the DLT-19 is that the Rocket has 2 major drawbacks and costs more.

1) It has the Cumbersome word. This means you can't move and shoot with the weapon which makes it "useless" if you plan on moving.

2) It exhausts every time you shoot it.

3) Costs ~10 more points (I don't know the exact number but it's in the double digits).

I like the DLT-19 better because it gives you 2 extra Red dice that you can use every turn and can move and shoot with it. It also gives you the option to split fire early on to dish out suppression tokens to multiple squads (a big deal in this game). It's also nice that it comes with impact 1 so you are going to get atleast once hit on an enemy vehicle if you choose to take a shot at it. And it's cheaper....

The Rocket is a better AV weapon, but the DLT-19 provides more flexibility, and let's you do more damage to infantry squads. You already have alot of AV since you have 3 Speeder Bikes and Veers (remember Speeders are impact 2).

You will have to experiment with Comms on the bikes. 10 points for an upgrade that will impact the game maybe once or twice seems a bit useless. I'd rather have the extra trooper model.

EDIT: I didn't know that you had Jammers on your bike units.. I thought you have the Comlink. Definitely stay away from the Jammer it costs to much and has 6 inch range. Remember these 3 Jammers = 1 entire unit of Snowtroopers..

Edited by jbiondo