Ongoing PBEM games?

By wminsing, in A Game of Thrones: The Board Game (1st Edition)

Hello all,

I used to actively play AGOT via email- I recently unearthed the game and played it (live) and fell in love with it again. Is there still a group being active play via email or the web?


If you find anything let me know as I'm interested as well.


Maybe we should start one? That's three people already, might be able to get my roomate in for a fourth.


If you plan starting a PBEM game count me in aswell.

I would gladly join you all as well if such a game were put together. If someone steps up to organize it all, we should have the numbers we need.

Awesome! Thanks for the link.

are there rules included for pbem, or is there another site for this.
