
By HanScottFirst, in Painting

So, often in life, there aren't shortcuts. Only ways to make a mess ;)

So here is what is up: I want to get into Legion, but I can't paint. I don't have the talent, the time, the equipment, etc. I think it would be cool, but I just know it's gonna end as a mess if I try and take time I don't have to give.

So this leaves me three options:

1) Play with grey figures

2) Commission a painter

3) Try another way to paint, these are my ideas:

3)A) Spray paint them all white then use colored sharpies

3)B) Paint them white with a primer then use colored sharpies

Has anyone tried something like that? Any other shortcuts to painting?

Honestly stormtroopers are easy enough with paint that if you can outline them with a sharpie you will have no problem doing it with a fine brush and nuln oil... buy white primer a small detail brush and nuln oil shade and you will have no more of a problem doing it with a brush than you would a marker, and it will take a pretty similar amount of time as well

Krylon makes a spray-on, glossy white paint+primer that got satisfactory results for my bucketheads. Just a single, *light* coat from all angles, then detail with Sharpie. (Or buy a brush and Citadel’s Abbadon Black. It’s not too much painting at that point.)

Edited by The Jabbawookie

If you sprayed in black, gave a zenithal spray in white and use quickshade you'd get good results fast. For the rebels youd need the most basic colour scheme first and then dip in this.