Rathtar stats

By cvallinie, in Star Wars: Age of Rebellion RPG

Hi all,

I have recently started GMing Star Wars Age of Rebellion and myself and my players are really enjoying it. I have thus far used the introductory scenarios but I am looking forward to building my own plots.

And then came the idea of including a Rathtar, or more than one ;-) I like to use minis when it comes to fight scenes and I have models perfect for this encounter.

But I don't know if the stats have already been published and if not, has anyone thought already of what they might be?

If you have the info, please post it here.

Many thanks


Rathtars got official stats in the TFA Beginner Box. And they're pretty nasty, especially for low-XP characters.

Yeah I am looking for something nasty to through at them. But indeed may be when they are a little more experienced.

Thanks Donovan, I appreciate you pointing me in the right direction. What is TFA though?

14 minutes ago, cvallinie said:

Thanks Donovan, I appreciate you pointing me in the right direction. What is TFA though?

The Force Awakens.

Thank you

Edited by cvallinie