Foreword: this list is entirely based off theory craft and experience from other table top games, it has not yet been used to any major effect or tested in the least. The idea is to make use of threat over-saturation to present my opponent with no one best choice to eliminate first, and to use the big beautiful AT-ST model.
Darth Vader (230)
- Force Reflexes, Saber Throw, Force Choke
AT-ST (205)
- Mortar
Speeder Bikes (100)x2
- long range com-link
Storm Troopers (55)x3
- Additional Storm Trooper
The only upgrades I think may be flexible are the long range com- links and Force Choke, from my research and personal theory craft so far everything else is near essential. If I were to remove force choke and the com-links I would want to prioritize battle meditation before further considerations. As far as typical play style i see this list playing a bit like hammer and anvil with the 15 storm troopers and the AT-ST as the anvil and vader and 2 units of bikes as the hammer. To be fair I would like additional weapons on the storm troopers, however I opted for a second unit of speeder bikes over more utilitarian troops. Thoughts, comments, concerns, or even personal theory craft that I may have missed are welcome of course.