Best trick?

By Lord Ashram, in Painting

Okay, lots of experienced folks here... what are some great tips you know?

For me, I’d say “use cork and wood chips as rocks on bases.” When painted and dry brushed they look particularly convincing.

Any other things you wish someone had told you earlier?

Two thin coats.. lol

Seriously, thin down your paints! It took me a bit to do this and i still need to learn how to control consistency better.

Wet pallet. Wet pallet. Wet pallet.

Try different paints.

Have fun.

If you have the money, get an airbrush, it save so much time.

4 hours ago, oddeye said:

Two thin coats.. lol

Seriously, thin down your paints! It took me a bit to do this and i still need to learn how to control consistency better.

This is a huge one. How thin you ask? My best way to get this correct is to think milk. The consistency of milk.

I am also a huge fan of using a wet pallet. Keeps those paints longer while painting and it's excellent for blending.

Edited by The Black Man

Patience. Accept that if you want great minis, you’re gonna have to put time into it. The more gradual layers you can build up, the better it looks. In general.

Shading + Dry Brushing has the best quality to time ratio.

Table Top distance and arm’s length is very real

Your work is your work. Don’t compare to a professional or long-time painter, if new. Just get a little bit better in time.

My third mini of all time was mostly based coated at the painting event Saturday. A few long-time types proactively provided feedback. Like, that’s solid work.

I am officially over whipping my own tail in quality of work. Taken a good 8-9 months to figure this out

Sponges !

Nail art sponges for fast painting and blending:

Kitchen sponges for weathering:

Testors Dullcote.

Not only does it make a for a fantastic "last step" (assuming you want a nice matte finish), but this stuff works really well as "clear primer".

- Thin your paints

- Work with a pallet, wet or even something with wells

- wash your brushes, and look into proper brush care

- learn how to properly load your brushes

- find brushes that work for you

- some stick tack and sticking the mini on a paint bottle is a very useful

- experiment

- try different paints

- Citadel has a paint app for your phone, great for inventory

- Build your paint collection slowly, you can mix up new colours pretty easily.

- Ciatdel paints are nice, but pricey compared to Vallejo. Vallejo is easier to fill the pallet with.

- Citadel Glazes and washes are amazing!

- Nuln oil is easy mode, but very easy to over use.

regarding different paints: quick opinions I have on the various ones out there:

- Citadel Ceramite White is the worst white I've ever worked with... I often need to add some Lahmian Medium and water to the pot and shake it up to get rid of the clumpiness. I'll be trying out the Vallejo white very soon

- Citadel Averland Sunset is my favorite yellow. It's a bit darker, but has a strong pigment, covers well, but is a little darker.

- Vallejo Gold Yellow is a nice brighter yellow that still has nice coverage

- Citadel Abaddon Black, but the larger pots if you can find it. I got through this paint like it's water.

- Vallejo Gunmetal > Citadel Lead Belcher - very similar paints, but the gunmetal covers nicer.

My "core" paints:

- Citadel: Abaddon Black, Kantor Blue, Rhinox Hide, Mechanicus Grey, Averland Sunset, Mephestion Red, Evil Sun Scarlet, Caledor Sky, Bugmans glow, Eshin Grey, Ulthaun Grey, Screaming Skull, Warboss Green, Nuln Oil, Agrax Earthshade, Draken Nightshade, all 4 glazes

- Vallejo: Gunmetal, Gold Yellow, Cold Grey