Painting barricades

By MUZ1, in Painting

Hi guys,

Working on painting my miniatures but being a newbie have no idea what I'm doing without a guide to give me ideas. Can find painting guides for everything but the barricades. If anyone has painted theirs what did you use? Any pics? Replies very appreciated.

I'm just going to spray Rustoleum paint/primer grey. The paint is cheap. I might drybrush some lighter grey on top. Next I'm going to add a dark wash and I think that's all they need.

I hope this Link to Facebook works. There you see really nice paint jobs for both factions.

yup go cheap spray grey...then wash with a dark wash (a cup of diluted black paint with a drop of dishwashing liquid works for this) then a dry brush of gunmetal or grey (if you go with grey you can sponge on some gunmetal).

Terraintutor or Lukeaps on youtube can help you with any step of this.

Edited by Hidatom

mechanicus standard grey spray or black primer then thin layered of mechanicus standard grey. Wash of 50/50 lahmian medium (or water) of agrax earthshade all over. Drybrush with mechanicus standard grey. Sponge/dab rhinox hide around points of wear or edges, then paint some leadbelcher metallic around the weathering.

15 hours ago, Mr.Vitriol said:

I hope this Link to Facebook works. There you see really nice paint jobs for both factions.

Wow, that blaster shot looks fantastic

I need to take a knife and dremel to my barricades before painting them.

Thanks for all the replies. Will prime with grey. Use one of my dark washes and dry brush with leadbelcher or something. Not going to buy a paint just to do them so use what's already in my arsenal.

If you want to keep it simple, just grab some black and brown colored pencils along with a basic No 2 pencil. Makes for some really fast weathering and scorch marks if you don't feel like spending a lot of time or paint on something.


That's really all these are, grey, wash, highlight, colored pencils, then some snow.


Edited by MasterShake2