Anyone use alternative miniatures for the Farrows?

By eternaldreamon, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

I'm just now getting into Descent, so I splurged on a bunch of stuff. The one thing that is bugging me is how small the Farrows look compared to other models. I looked around, and it seems as if those 3 were in the previous version of Descent. The minis in the 1st edition were.... uh... pretty bad. I guess they didn't change them, huh? So I was looking around to get some alternatives that are more in line with other heroes and monsters.

I looked on Reaper minis for some, and found some pretty good lookalikes.

Merrick: spell/latest/77222#detail/77222_w_1

Alric: human male plate/latest/77148#detail/77148_w_1

Eliza: vampire/latest/03150#detail/03150_G

Is anyone else really bothered by these?

Yes, I am, too.

But the Farrows aren't only ones to have thoses troubles of scales and the more descent goes on, the more the figures are tall and the older ones are small.

For example, Arvel is huge, krutzbeck is so big for a dwarf when looking to other ones, and some other case I forgot

Alas, all figures cannot have the perfect scale for the whole game, that's bad, but it could really be worse, so I choose to forget about that detail

And on top of that, I rather prefer play with the "true" figures than using any lookalike ones

Edited by rugal

No but I have some other vampirey stuffs. Including some other vampires, some bats and a coach among them. Things are going to get interesting for my fellow players :) .

I definitely use proxies, especially for Splig....


Well, this mini is also super old and not actually cheaper so I'd suggest a different one. But the good news is there are a ton of female vampire minis out there and you could just use a female noble.


****, why wasn't this out before I bought Merrick...

Reaper Bones has a lot of cheap minis. I might have to use them for heroes in the base set too, as they are waaaaaay out of scale too. However I could always use other heroes as standins with another hero's card.

By chance I ended up with a few similar minis so it's sometimes fun to swap them in a 'suspend your disbelief - they're not frozen in the same pose all the time' kinda way. (Which is why I don't quite get why some people dislike mixing up mini sizes, they're only representations and you have to live with them not moving, talking, dancing the waltz etc, so if they look good surely you can let your head do the extra bit of imagination including the scaling logic and the 'obviously they're moving not frozen unless they've just eyeballed a gorgon' logic, after all surely things like the map often don't match the scale of the characters or it would be a very big map and the dragons etc could be even bigger irl. If you're really fussed if something's too small just pretend it's a slightly bigger location or higher up or something- et voila, distance scaling!