
By subochre, in Arkham Horror Second Edition

Hi all, long time no see! In case anyone's interested, the novels are on sale at Miniature Market (though they don't seem to have Bones of the Yopasi for some reason).

Any of them worth reading? I seem to recall hearing that Feeders was pretty good, but at $2 each, I might just grab them all.

I tried to get through the first one (Ghosts of the Miskatonic?) and couldn't finish it - it read like online fanfic.

To be honest though I wasn't expecting much - I'd bought the books for the mail-in coupons to get the order-only cards for Arkham Horror (I gave the Elder Sign cards to a friend of mine).

And then last year I sold my whole AH collection including the cards, so all that effort for a few games of joy lol....

I was loving Eldritch Horror but the Masks expansion is such a letdown I'm going to throw the rest into storage until my brain reboots!

Edited by Krysmo

Agreed with Krysmo. Books were fanfiction level, period. If you're used to read good books, they'll annoy you beyond comprehension. Get them if you want to use them for the promo cards, or you need fuel for your hearth.

Thanks guys, that's unfortunate but not too surprising. I might still get the Glaaki one (he was my first AO and I have a soft spot for him (in my brain, with a spine sticking out of it)), but tbh the idea of Arkham Horror novels seemed kind of weird to me in the first place. There's so much really good mythos literature out there, and I don't have a particularly burning need to learn the untold story of Michael McGlen or whoever.

Yeah, that's the point. I imagine they went with promo cards to boost the sales (and it's something they are still doing with the new books having exclusive cards for the LCG). Had the books been good, they'd not have needed these tricks.

8 hours ago, Julia said:

Had the books been good, they'd not have needed these tricks.

While good book won't necessarily need such trick it could certainly make some extra bucks with it.
In other words: Promos aren't restricted to bad books.

Fair point :)