Just throwing some lists together yesterday, wanted to see how a dual T-47 list might look. Went with Targeting Scopes and Z-6's on the troopers to, hopefully, provide some accurate anti-infantry fire. Want to try Jedi Mind Trick on Luke instead of Force Push just to see how viable it is on a full-size table.
797/800 points
Luke Skywalker 160
Force Reflexes,
Jedi Mind Trick,
Rebel Troopers 40
Z-6 Trooper,
Rebel Trooper,
Targeting Scopes,
Rebel Troopers 40
Z-6 Trooper,
Targeting Scopes,
Rebel Troopers 40
Z-6 Trooper,
Targeting Scopes,
T-47 Airspeeder 175
Wedge Antilles,
MoDk Power Harpoon,
Long-Range Comlink,
T-47 Airspeeder 175
Ax-108 Ground Buzzer,
Long-Range Comlink,
Return of the Jedi,
My Ally Is the Force,
Standing Orders,
Son of Skywalker,
added point total