Imperial Infantry Force

By The Jabbawookie, in Army Building


Vader x1

Saber Throw, Force Reflexes, Force Choke

Stormtrooper Squad x3

Stormtrooper, HH-12 Trooper, Grappling Hooks

Stormtrooper Squad x2


74-Z Speeder Bikes x2

Any glaring flaws? The idea is for the HH-12 squads to provide anti-vehicle/long range fire to make up for the lack of an AT-ST, and the Grappling Hooks to help them get where they need to be. How important are Long-Range Comms on the Speeder Bikes? I could downgrade an HH-12 to a DLT-19 and drop the Grappling Hooks...

Edited by The Jabbawookie

Long Range Comms are pretty essential to speeder bikes as they are glass cannons. I'd say drop the grappling hooks unless your terrain dictates you need them and grab the comms.

Drop the grappling hooks and upgrade one hh to a dlt