Might as well kick this off with the obvious:
Darth Vader
Might as well kick this off with the obvious:
Darth Vader
Nice ambient lighting for the lightsaber. It looks awesome!
I like Vader' s eyes, one of the few that have done them as they are in the movies with red lenses.
Got my speeder bikes done. I'm not sure what the guy on the left did to upset his friends though:
Excellent work all around!
Big stompy is done. Now to finish the Storm Troopers:
On 3/28/2018 at 8:37 AM, Thrindal said:I like Vader' s eyes, one of the few that have done them as they are in the movies with red lenses.
Yes, that is how I did my Vader using a Crimson wash to get that subtle red tint. It's not much but it makes all the difference in an authentic look.
And... finished the Stormtroopers:
Great stuff mate, looking forward to seeing how the rebels turn out
Not planning on painting up Rebels sadly. I play a whole bunch of different games these days and part of that is restricting myself to a single faction. I might paint up Luke at some point (maybe even as Luuke) but until there's a model I can't resist, I'm likely sticking Imperial for this game.
Ah no worries
I love how you distinguished the four different groups. Simple, clean, and easy to tell apart without straying too far from the classic Stormies.
To tell the difference between my squads, I plan on painting the ring around their bases different colors.
Great job on the OSL on vader. Way beyond my ability.
2 minutes ago, dalarpguy42 said:Great job on the OSL on vader. Way beyond my ability.
Thanks! I've actually never really gotten it right before, but its a lot easier to do right with Vader. Black needs some kind of highlighting to look right and its pretty easy to swap out dark grey for bright red. Black also means you don't have to worry about getting the shadow portion of OSL working right. It also helps that the lightsaber red isn't a very natural color, so it doesn't need to blend on as naturally as something like lamp or torchlight does. I think it would overall be a lot harder to get the same effect on Luke, but I might give it a try one of these days.
19 minutes ago, Force Majeure said:I love how you distinguished the four different groups. Simple, clean, and easy to tell apart without straying too far from the classic Stormies.
Thanks. I had considered doing more with the squad markings like going further down the arm or adding lines to the helmets, but I'm afraid it would stop being inspired by the Clone Troopers and start looking like Clone Troopers. Glad you like it.
7 minutes ago, LunarSol said:Thanks! I've actually never really gotten it right before, but its a lot easier to do right with Vader. Black needs some kind of highlighting to look right and its pretty easy to swap out dark grey for bright red. Black also means you don't have to worry about getting the shadow portion of OSL working right. It also helps that the lightsaber red isn't a very natural color, so it doesn't need to blend on as naturally as something like lamp or torchlight does. I think it would overall be a lot harder to get the same effect on Luke, but I might give it a try one of these days.
I may try it, then. I'm going to do base coat on Vader tonight, and will slowly be working on details over the next week (I have a bad back and can only paint for 20-30 minutes at a time). I've got my AT-ST done, and one squad of stormtroopers done. I figure Vader would be good next, and then I can return to stormtroopers. I went for a little more subtle highlighting on mine than yours has, which probably makes them take 2-3 times longer, but in my opinion doesn't make them look any better or worse. But I've kind of committed to the way I did it, and this one would look very funny if I changed it up for the other squads.
Long story short, learning lots after coming back to minis painting from a 10 year hiatus. I will continue to push my boundaries.
I've learned a lot jumping around systems and needing to paint a variety of models. One of the drawbacks though is that I really don't have the heart for painting rank and file troopers anymore. Some of my choice of Imperial for this game is just because I can get through a pretty large number of stormtroopers pretty quickly if I don't worry too much about how clean the white is. There are definitely better better ways to get a proper reflective white look on them. One guy in there is actually built up slightly nicer than the others from a subtle off white as my first test, but I realized doing that was going to double the time and I'd rather spend it on more unique stuff in my backlog.
As for the OSL; try just drybrushing the red on Vader's right arm, leg and the right half of his torso to start. The trick is to remember that you're drybrushing up from the saber instead of down from the sky. If you're happy with how it turns out you can start expanding the border of the red until you're happy with where it ends up. As long as you don't go down on top of his helmet or on the top side of his arm it should look alright.
Veers is done. Snowtroopers next:
I really like your painting. I think Veers is what really did it for me. Just amazing work.
and... back to fully painted:
Finally some new stuff to paint!
Boba Fett
….sweet mother!...OMG.....you have great werk!!...
Not sure if I'm going to keep up with Legion. It's a great game, but I haven't played in ages and even when I do, it seems like its only against other Imperial players. In any case, I wasn't going to quit without at least getting these guys done.
Papa Palpatine!
Regardless, this is kind of the end of the core material, and I thought that deserved a group shot:
Had a bit of a resurgence lately and decided I'd get caught up. Haven't finished the tank yet, mostly because I want to do some minor magnetization on it, but the rest is ready to go: