(UK) Storyline Events

By Eryx_UK, in CoC Organized Play

Back in the days of the CoC CCG I ran a series of events linked by a common story with the outcomes dictated by the winning factions of each event. I've decided to start this up again for my group's events. Hopefully we'll see some of you there to help dictate the events and have a good afternoon of Cthulhu fun.

Chapter 1 - The Coming Storm.

Harvey stepped out of the car and walked into the hospital reception. The nurse on duty directed him to the ward he sought and he made his way through the sterile environment to the room where his father’s friend was waiting. He knocked on the door and entered the private room. Merriweather lay in the bed, cigar in hand and a copy of the Arkham Advertiser in the other. He was pale and what little hair he had left had fallen out since the last time Harvey had seen him.
“Thanks for coming Harvey” Merriweather said, directing him to a chair next to the bed.
“Not at all. I was surprised to receive your letter this morning.”
“I had intended it for your father.”
“Yeah, well dad’s gone. The agency belongs to me now. What’s this about, anyway?”
Merriweather lent over and opened the drawer of the cabinet next to his bed. He pulled forth a thick manila envelope and a small black statuette. He handed them to Harvey. The statue was an exquisite onyx carving of the Sphinx though oddly missing a face, only a blank oval stood out where the features should have been. Inside the envelope were several sheets of journal papers and a sheet of handwritten incantations.
“What is this? More supernatural nonsense? Dad may have chased after spooks but that’s not my thing.”
“It’s a journal of events that I was involved in back when I was a student at Miskatonic. Oh so many years ago. There were several of us and we thought we knew it all. It ended with one man dead and another screaming his head off in an asylum. Whether you believe me or not, I am willing to pay for you to look into it.”
Harvey skimmed the journal entries in silence for a few minutes before he sighed and returned the sheets of paper to the envelope.
“You think you summoned some thing and it’s still there in that house in Dunwich? And when you die it will be released into the world?”
“I am the last of us and not long for this world. That thing is a harbinger of things to come.”
“Fine. I’ll take a look but only because you are paying though I can’t promise anything.”
Harvey stood and shook hands before he left. Merriweather’s grip was cold and clammy, like that of a dead man.

Where: Gamers in St. Neots, Cambridgeshire (UK).

34 St. Mary’s Street.
St. Neots
PE19 2TA

Sunday April 25th at 1pm.
Entry: Free entry.

Special Rules:
1. Both LCG and CCG are allowed. Most current wording is used.
2. Each player builds his or her own story deck of ten different story cards.
3. Games are played as a best of three, with both players getting to use their story deck.
4. The following cards are restricted to one per deck (no banned cards).

• Aspiring Artist.
• Born of the Spheres.
• Displaced.
• Dream Summoning.
• Great Race Scientist.
• Library at Pnakotus.
• Master of Time and Space.
• Pnakotic Elder.
• Rite of Passage.
• Saturnalia.
• Secrets of Bubastis.
• The Rip-Off.
• Theosophist Meeting.
• Traveller of Aeons.
• Veneration of Apis.
• Yithian Soldier.