Well after a couple months of pretty decent prep, Denver Regional has finally come and gone. This was The Durandal Initiative's first participation in an official organized Armada tournament and I have to say it was more fun than I imagined. @durandal343 and I had a fantastic time. We met some great people, played a ton of Armada and to top it off we finished 1st and 4th out of a field of 23. @durandal343 needed to pop 1 transport in the final round of his last match to complete the tabling that would have landed him 2nd in the standings but just couldn't get the dice to give him the accuracy he needed. All in all it was a great weekend.
While we'll be posting a full video covering our trip and our experience in the tournament later I wanted to write up a batrep of my matches while they were fresh in my mind. I've never been that great at typing these batreps up (I'm way too long winded for my own good) but I'll give this my best and hope I don't bore people.
First my list, those of you that have watched our Regional Prep videos know I've been working on an ISD/Quasar Sloan build for a couple months. While it went through a lot of iterations I finally landed on a 3 activation fleet that when laid out on the table looks fairly innocuous but can punch with the best of them. So the list:
ISD Kuat Refit , fully loaded with with Gov Pryce , Leading Shots , Avenger , Darth Vader Boarding Party , External Racks and ECMs .
Next is Admiral Sloan's chariot in the sky, the Quasar Fire I sporting fire red pin stripes, Boosted Comms , Flight Controllers , and Capt . Brunson .
And in support a lone Gozanti Cruiser with Comms Net .
The squads or as I like to call them "Sloan Herpes": Howl Runner, Mauler Mithel, Valen Rudor, Cienna Ree, Saber Squadron , a Red Shirt TIE Fighter and the bros (fist bump blow it up) Maarek Stele and Col. Jendon .
Total fleet point: 381
My first opponent was (please forgive me if I get any names wrong I'm absolutely awful with names) Andrew. He brought an Cracken MC75 Ordanance with various upgrades I can't quite remember, an AFII with Flight Controllers and Boosted Comms and 2 GR75 transports that I believe both had Comms Net and one was Bright Hope . He had a pretty decent Biggs ball for a squadron presences, Biggs , 4 X-wings , a Y-wing (Nora?) and Jan Ors . I had him out bid so chose 1st player which appeared to come as some surprise and I was told throughout the tournament that the local meta there hardly ever saw first player bids of more than 11 or 12. I chose his Fighter Ambush objective over Precision Strike and Superior Positions.
Deployment ended up looking something like this: https://photos.app.goo.gl/3xzO4OLDV6jOWAi82 . I made my first mistake of the day deploying my transport too far from my ISD to comms net a token over to it which lead to disaster later. I deployed my ISD at speed 3 across from his MC75 and set Pryce for turn 2 looking for the big hit on his MC75 turn 3.
Turn 1 we each proceed to move forward. I re-positioned my squads to make an alpha strike on his bomber ball on turn 2 to prevent them from getting into my ISD. Since I was badly out activated (now that I think about it I think he had Strategic Adviser on the MC75) I was forced to move my ISD before he had activated anything but a GR75. Since I couldn't get a squad token from my transport (for Vader later) my ISD banked a squad token instead of the usual nav token (queue ominous foreshadowing music) and went straight ahead speed 3. This let him respond to my first aggressive move with my ISD by moving his MC75 out wide to my right flank at speed 3. I was very much hoping for him to turn into the interior of the map but I think he saw the major danger there and wisely chose to go wide. I knew then I was going to have a very tough decision to make at the end of turn 2.
Unfortunately, I did not get a picture at the top of turn 2. Going first I activated my Quasar and threw everything I could at Biggs. He countered with a squadron activation from a transport I believe and then my transport relayed a squadron command to 2 more squads to final finish off Biggs. It took 6 full squad attacks to kill that jerk but he finally went down in 1 turn of shooting. Since I had Pryce my opponent was forced to move the rest of his fleet. He brought his AFII forward and continued to move his MC75 wide around my right flank at speed 3. This was what I had feared. https://photos.app.goo.gl/jRQ8UCWCeo0NGcC82
We were now playing very close to the right edge of the map and my ISD was going speed 3. I did have a nav command queued up but I knew that if I wanted to get into close range of that MC75 I was going to have to make a hard right turn at speed 3 which would pretty much guarantee that I would end up flying off the map at some point in a later round. But I also knew that if I chose to fly into the middle of the engagement after his AFII he'd be bombing and broadsiding with 2 Ackbar ships for 2 turns and I'd prob loose the ISD anyway. So I committed to ending the MC75 and probably signed the death certificate to the ISD as well. End of Turn 2, top of turn 3: https://photos.app.goo.gl/hEqZg2aMmGOGRiYw1
Turn 3 I had one hope. That I could get the MC75 just close to death and then ram him to keep my ISD in place so that my following 2 dials (all nav commands) would allow me to turn the ship safely away from certain doom at the edge of known space. I started turn 3 activating the ISD which had a squadron command. First I spent my banked squad token to pop Vader onto the MC75 and remove the ECM upgrade. I then used my squadron dial to activate the dreaded Maarek/Jendon double tap. Then it was the ISDs turn. I got wrapped up in the moment and didn't even bother to count damage. Just rolled, popped External Racks and rolled some more. I think I ended up with 14 damage or something unholy like that. Poof went the MC75 and any hope I had of keeping the ISD on the board. After that it was a speed 3 turn in towards the middle of the map but we could both see the writing on the wall. That ISD was not long for this match.
And unfortunately, I failed to take any more pictures of this match. I kept my transport and Quasar far enough away from the engagement while my fighters mopped up his squads. Turn 5, I believe my ISD went off the map giving him 141 points and making it a really close game. What ended up making the difference was that my remaining squads were finally able to finish up the Biggs ball and got a couple damage cards onto his trailing GR75. They weren't able to kill it but the damage cards gave me 2 VP worth 15 each. At the end my MOV was 63. Enough to get me a 7-4 Win.
And this concludes this portion of the write up. As I feared I'm too much of a gas bag to complete all this in one night. It's pushing midnight and I've got things that need doing... like my head hitting a pillow. I'll try to get the last 2 matches posted tomorrow night so until then, "stay on target!"
Edited by SgtDurandal