Scenario editor in fragments

By Malwing, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

I decided to try to make my own scenario using the campaign editor, and everything has been working out fine but when I export it as a pdf or jpg the map portion always comes out in fragments. the tiles are spaced away from each other, the monsters are either barely on the map or completely off of it. This is as opposed to the neat tiles that allow you to figure out where each monster and object is supposed to go.

I've been trying things out and it seems like it happens immediately after I put the monsters on the map. Is there anything I'm doing wrong that i can fix?

If you're using Mike Z's editor, my best guess is that you're not saving before you export; on the download page (which apparently is no longer available) I recall a note saying exports would be messed up if you didn't save first.

You might want to switch to TileSystem if that's not what you're using. (See this thread .)

Yes, I had to fight with the same problem in the past.

I made the experience that this fault occurs when some elements used in your scenario exceed the number of elements "in store". (Not everytime, but sometimes.) Moreover, this problem also may occur when you change the colour settings of some tiles.

Deleting the exceeding elements solved the problem in my cases.

Now, I'm using the "Tile System" editor with the WART-set which doesn't suffer from such problems - and which has a greater variety of elements than the official editor (Tile System also includes AoD, ToI and RtL). I would strongly recommend to use Tile System. You will find it here:

Best regards


It still makes me chuckle to think the Descent Expansions in order spells WARTS :)

I too agree that the TileSystem has turned out to be better, if anything because it's actively supported and very easy to add your own custom tiles. I'm using it to create an Advanced Campaign for Doom: The Boardgame and have been quite pleased. I've also used it to illustrate a Play By Forum game of Doom at
