
By Jigabachi, in Star Wars: Destiny

This may be a silly question but I'm new to card gaming and have decided to go in on Destiny. I was wondering if the original Destiny cards have a lifecycle or are all the original and current cards fully playable and compatible with each other?

Right now they are all playable in standard was this is an young game. There is a Trilogy format where only the white box products are valid. The old black box products will probably rotate out in a years time, the way the release schedule has slowed down.

Basically, stuff that comes in black packaging will be the first to rotate out, but we haven't even seen an announcement for the set that will trigger that. The current next announced set (that will release in the summer/fall) will not be the one to trigger rotation of the Awakenings/Spirit of Rebellion/Empire at War block of sets.

And even when the first rotation is triggered, there will be a format that will still use it. Since we're not there yet, we don't know how the community support will balance the Standard and Infinite formats.