I have only looked at a few different models, but it appears that there might be some scale issues between them. The earlier ones look a lot smaller than normal 28mm models. The later ones look more on par with standard 28mm ones like from Warhammer. Can anyone provide any pictures of some of the earlier and later models next to each other for comparison? And anyone who has a full collection, are there any models in particular that don't seem to match up?
Does anyone have pictures of any scale issues between different models?
Here is an album of some arrangements of heroes with what I consider to be the most noticeable differences. For the most part, the scales are not that far off. It is most significant in the details- figures made later have larger faces, arms, legs, weapons, etc. (Compare Arvel and Jain's bows, or Krutzbeck and Grisban's axes, for example).
Not pictured here are Steelhorns, Karnon, or One Fist, who are huge. However, they're also non-human and expected to be big.
Overall, I'm not bothered by the difference in mini scale (which is more like a difference in style). I actually think the newer ones are very nice. However, I'm not exactly picky about minis.
Edited by ZaltyreAwesome! Thanks so much for that. It might be something that will bother me to be honest. Then again I can always just pick a model I like and play using another hero's card. Or perhaps pick up a new model from Reaper miniatures for cheap. Thanks again!