4 types of Infantry

By Marinealver, in Twilight Imperium

Well I am not a big fan of having only 1 planetary force options (2 if you include PDS I suppose). But with the races (and some unique racial unit infantry) the races sort of separate the infantry in their own way. So we can classify them in 4 types. Elite, Supported, Average, and weak (Jol-nar).


Elite Infantry are factions that have infantry that come with their own superiority and benefits without the requirement of other units. Some times this is a racial trait such as with the Sardakk N'orr, or it could be a unique unit such as Arborec Letani Warriors. Matched on even terms, these infantry units will generally be expected to come out on top after any combat. The 4 factions that have Elite Infantry are;

  • Sradakk No'rr (+1 on Combat)
  • Federation of Sol (Special Opps)
  • Arborec (Letani production 1)
  • Brotherhood of Yin (conversion)


This infantry can be as effective (if not more) than Elite infantry but only by use of additional units. Certain racial abilities or units unique to that faction (i.e. flagship) allows their infantry to perform rather efficiently needing less infantry units to take and hold planets. Factions with Supported Infantry are:

  • Baroney of Letniv (Flagship)
  • L1Z1X Mindnet (Harrow)
  • Nalu Collective (Flagship)
  • Nekro Virus (Flagship)
  • Yssaril Tribes (Action Cards)


There is nothing really special in regards to these units. The only general strategy here is simply numbers. Have enough to take and hold any planet. Now attacking a planet held by elite infantry may require more numbers and some supporting units with bombardment. Holding a planet against supported infantry will have similar tactic, have a PDS and have larger numbers. Some of the races here happen to be better at the numbers game (Hacann) but since there is no unique advantage their infantry units have over any other unit their infantry is best considered average. Those that are not as good at the numbers game may have to result to other methods (dreadnoughts, warsuns, PDS, X-89) to even the odds. Races that have average infantry are

  • Emerates of Hacan
  • Ghost of Creuss
  • Clan of Sarr
  • Embers of Muatt
  • Winu
  • Mentak Coalation
  • Xxcha Kingdom


There is really only 1 faction that fits this category here. Universities of Jol Nar. Their fragile (-1 to all combat) really hinders them and makes upgrading them only on par with Average infantry even with the upgrade ability. Also everyone else can just take the same upgrade to move their average infantry back out of reach. They can pretty much take only unoccupied planets similar to a peaceful annexation. There is really only one effective tactic in regards to invasion combat with this race here, X-89 Bacterial Weapon. Other than that avoid all invasions. The only faction remaining is.

  • Universities of Jol-Nar
Edited by Marinealver

Ok. Are you going someplace with this or just breaking things down in order to analyze the game more efficiently?

Edited by Forgottenlore
13 hours ago, Forgottenlore said:

Ok. Are you going someplace with this or just breaking things down in order to analyze the game more efficiently?

this is just a breakdown. Something to curb my other crazy idea for a bit before I return back to it.

Ok. Fair enough.