Final Mission - Spoilers

By Mister Egglemon, in Legends of the Alliance

So, 4 of us have been playing the Flight of the Freedom Fighter (Hard mode)

We had managed to win every mission before the final one, and we had recruited Luke Skywalker (jedi) before the end.

We had great equipment and a lot of confidence. We faced some difficulties in the 3rd and especially 4th mission, but things looked good for our team

Shyla, Murne, Drokatta, Vinto And Luke Skywalker enter the Star Destroyer, ready to free our crew and be done with the Traitor. And we kick their asses,initially. We kill the traitor, we free the crew, and after an AMAZING battle against Maul, Elite Sentry Droids and Royal Guards we manage to free the Freedom Fighter itself and stop the analysis of the star map with Drokatta and Vinto being wounded, Luke being hurt only by the gas, and Shyla and Murne being healthy.

And then....the hallway and Darth Vader.... Brutality... Shyla manages to run for it and open the right door.. Her activation ends next to the escape shuttle...but she can only take 2 more dmg before being wounded... Murne is defeated, Vinto is defeated.. Luke as well... And I, Drokatta, get in the way between Vader and Shyla and use Demolish and my own body to stall him... And it works! We will activate first next round! We "survived" 3 activations of Darth freaking Vader in a single round.... We can make it!!!

But.. We didn't know.... A major peril... Shyla gets no successes in a strength test... She is wounded... The Sith Lord captures us... But we saved our crew and our ship dammit!

All in all, it was amazing. And we are a pen and paper rpg group normally, so getting invested in the storytelling of an app is not a small thing. Bravo, Imperial Assault.

Edited by Mister Egglemon

Never has losing a campaign been so much fun.

I necro this topic, because header is fine and includes text "Spoiler".

Does anyone else find it stupid, that application doesn't care how many of rebels escape from the Star Destroyer in the end? When interacting with shuttle and selecting "Leave" instead of "Wait" there isn't any question which heroes are adjacent to shuttle and able to escape and which ones still are at the hands of Darth Vader? IMO there should be some fame/victory bonus if everyone escapes instead of just first hero reaching the shuttle selects "Leave" from the interact.

It would be neat, but FFG isn't going to go back to old content unless it's absolutely necessary.

Because it's the last mission, gaining Fame is irrelevant for the game mechanisms. The rebel players have already made their choice, so the thematic effect of leaving some rebels behind has already been experienced as well. If you want to replay and compare Fame, just write down the number of escaped heroes as well.