Aura ability

By Headspin, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

is the aura ability only applied once per creature movement or does it apply on every adjacent square that an enemy walks through?

in other words can I walk past something with aura and only take the one wound, or will I take 3 wounds by walking past the creature with aura?

Headspin said:

is the aura ability only applied once per creature movement or does it apply on every adjacent square that an enemy walks through?

in other words can I walk past something with aura and only take the one wound, or will I take 3 wounds by walking past the creature with aura?

Take a wound for each adjacent square you walk through so in your example 3 wounds.

You seem to be using the phrase "once per movement" to mean "once per turn," which is going to be confusing.

Every time a figure changes its position by one space, that's a movement. Aura is limited to once per movement, in the sense that a large figure can't be damaged multiple times by the same aura when it takes a single step, even if it occupies multiple spaces adjacent to the figure with Aura.

However, Aura is not limited to once per turn or per activation, so if a figure moves through several Aura-affected spaces in succession , it takes damage for each step.


I have a master dragon blocked by a bottle imp aurora 2 in a corridor width 2

so I can't get past him without suffering 10 wounds?

I thought the Bottle Imp only had Aura 1, not Aura 2. But if my memory's wrong and it does have Aura 2, then yes, that's correct.

Of course, dragons only have speed 4, and the Bottle Imp will probably move between your turns, so in practical terms you're probably just going to take continuous Aura damage until you stop moving. You might want to force the heroes to come to you, if possible. Also remember that the Breath ability has been ruled optional in the FAQ, so you can theoretically attack from quite a ways away if you have LOS.