Situation: Character 1 needs help in making sure the Oni stays down. Characters 2, 3, 4 & 5 all assist. He has MA Melee 2, Fire 2.
"the character making the check rolls 1 additional Skill die per assisting character who has 1 or more ranks of the skill in use, and 1 additional Ring die per assisting character who has 0 ranks in the skill in use."
First off, no limit to the number of assistees that can lend help. So you could have four people assisting a character, two with used skill and two without. This means they get 2x Ring dice and 2x Skill dice.
"At the GM’s discretion, during Step 4: Apply Advantages and Disadvantages, up to one advantage from each assisting character can be applied to the check."
Granted this states GM's discretion, but it would be pretty naff if you reduce the effectiveness of the party because the rules aren't balanced yet.
"a character making a check with assistance may keep up to 1 additional die per assisting character."
Third the character then gets to keep four dice (essentially all the extra dice rolled). So currently rolling (old style) 4k4.
"each assisting character may choose to suffer 1 strife to negate 1 strife result on the check."
So including explosive successes, this is an easy, easy way to abuse the system and just defeat something, or overcome something. I feel that their either needs to be a cap on the amount of dice kept, not rolled, kept with the half of the number of samurai assisting.
The ```'K' value in L5R has ALWAYS been the game breaking number, it should be kept lower than the rolled die, or at worse case equal to.
Thoughts, opinioins?